15 Best Witcher 3 Mods and Why You Need Them

best witcher 3 mods
14 Jul 2016

Try out these best Witcher 3 mods before you embark on a journey into dangerous lands.

Mod are small tweaks, which you apply to the game, to make it even more fun. Like if you don`t like the lightning in the game, you can use a mod to change it to your needs.  As is the case with most popular RPGs, Witcher 3 also has a plethora of mods. So many, that it can be quite overwhelming to choose a few which may cater to your needs.  That is where this post comes in. We will help you know some of the best and must have mods for the witcher 3.

How to Install witcher 3 mods:

15. Fast travel From Anywhere

Normally, in the witcher 3, if you want to fast travel to a certain location, you`ll first have to travel to a signpost, may it be billions of miles away.  But you can remove this restriction using the mod by JupiterTheGod unbold the names Done. By using this mod, you`ll be able to fast travel from anywhere in the world to your desired location, as long as you`re not in combat.

Caution : Do not use during quests, or the game will break.

Download the mod here

Video showing the mod in action :


14. Change the Weight Limit of Geralt

Geralt`s weight limit, by default, is pretty low. And you are cornered into throwing away stuff more often than not. But, a mod named Over 9000 by GeicuMan, can solve the problem. As the name suggests, the mod increases the weight limit to 9000 and allows you to carry all the stuff you like.

Download the mod here 

Video showing the mod in action :


13. Super Turbo Lighting/Fantasy Graphics

The lighting in the witcher 3 isn`t everyone`s cup of tea. I, for one, would like the scene to be a little brighter at night to enjoy the game to the fullest. It is now possible to do just that using the mod Super turbo Lighting by Essenthy or Fantasy graphics by CooliSushi. (unbold names. The Mod names can be bold and hyperlinked) Done

Download links

Super turbo lighting : link

Fantasy Graphics : link

Video showing the mod :


12. Auto Loot

Just as the name suggests, this mod allows you to automatically loot chests, bushes or loot crates, instead of going through the whole menu that pops up whenever you press E to loot something.

Download mod from here

This video will show you how it works:


11. Friendly HUD

Friendly HUD by wghost81 is an interface mod. It allows the user to configure the HUD (hyperlink HUD here: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/H/HUD.html) according to his/her liking.  This isn`t a single mod but a group of mods accomplishing quite a few tasks. From 3D markers for quests to pausing the game anytime you want, even in dialogues, this mod is a must try.

For a complete list of all the functions of this mod, follow this link

Download the mod from here :

Video showing the mod in action:

This mod has a steep learning curve, refer to this video for installation guide :



10. Slots Slots Slots

Read the heading again, it`s slots. This mod allows you to add 84 additional skill slots along with the currently present ones, giving you a total of 96 skill slots. This mod also allows you to open all skill slots at level 1. This is sure to make the game easier and enjoyable for you.

Download mod form this link

Video showing the mod off :


9. Hearts of Cards

The Witcher 3 is not only a good game but it also houses an excellent card game, going by the name Gwent. Most players prefer playing this addicting card game than indulging in killing monsters. What if you could earn Xp and loot by winning in gwent? The mod Hearts of Cards by DickDangerJustice allows you to do just that. It changes all the combat in the game with Gwent games and even awards similar xp and loot.

Download the mod from here 

Video showing the mod :


8. The Enhancement System

Are the current weapons and armor options lacking? Do you want more? Then The Enhancement System Mod by mangekyomadara1987 is for you. This mod makes all the NPC weapons, such as Imlerith`s giant mace, available to you either through merchants or crafting. New schematics and upgrades for relics are also available.

Download the mod from here

Video showing the mod off :


7. Increased Creature Loot

You just can`t make a living out of killing monsters in witcher 3. Most often than not, creatures drop a little amount of loot which is just not worth it. So this mod by mindkiller316 can help elevate the problem. This mod changes the loot system in such a way that monsters not only drop loot every time, but the amount of loot dropped is also considerably increased. No need to bold the mod creator’s names. Apply to all.

Download link :

Video link of mod in action :


6. Wealthy Vendors with Fair Sale

This is also a great mod by GeicuMan. You may have noticed merchants tend to pay less for the loot or just are too poor to afford the loot at all. This can get quite annoying. This mod changes it all. With this mod you can change how much money vendors have and how much they offer for each item.

Download link

Video showing the mod off :


5. Auto Apply Oils

Scanning enemies around you and applying the required oil can be daunting, and annoying if you find out the oil you need is finished. Fear not, because the Auto Apply Oils mod by SheepDarklord comes to the rescue. This mod automatically scans for opponents nearby and applies the oil to the sword. Helpful indeed.

Download link for mod : 

Video Shoing the mod off :


4. No Fall Damage

This mod is pretty much self explanatory. Geralt tends to survive even the most ferocious battles, but dies falling from a few feet. The No Fall Damage Mod by Wask, tends to remove the fall damage, giving you the freedom to parkour around novigrad all you want, without the fear of the deadly loading screen.

Download link

Video showing the mod :


3. Photo Mode

Let`s say, you just defeated a boss, striking the final blow. And you want to commemorate the occasion by taking a screenshot. But before you can do so, the scene changes. Don’t worry, the mod you`re looking for is called Photo Mode by CAPA14. This mode gives you a toggle, which when triggered will freeze the game and let you change the camera angle and take the perfect shot that you desire. There’s also a toggle to make yourself invisible for those perfect landscape shots.

Download the mod from here

Video showing the mod off :


2. Random Encounters

The witcher 3 world is vast, but it can seem a little empty at times. It is at such times that this mod comes in handy. This is a mod by erxv and it allows you set the interval between your encounter with monsters.

Refer to this link to learn how the mod works Here

Download mod from here

Video showing the mod :


1. Crossbow Damage Boost and Balance

Did you ever feel that the crossbow deals laughable damage? The Crossbow just isn`t a good weapon in the game. If you want to make the crossbow a little more useful then use this mod by Fnts. It not only increases bolt damage but also decreases bolt prices.

If you want to learn more about this mod then head over to Here

Download link for mod

Video showing effects of this mod :

That`s it for this post guys. Make sure to tell us which of the above mods you liked the most.

Did we miss out on some of your favorite mods? What are your favorite mods? Share them in the comments section below.

Happy Modding  to everyone.

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