[Top 10] Amnesia The Bunker Best Mods

Amnesia The Bunker Mods
11 Dec 2023

Did you know that every Amnesia game supports modding and can be highly moddable? Which is a great thing; as modding extends the life of a game. There are great mods out there, but today I’ll be listing you the best 10. 

Some mods are total overhauls of the game, while others are simple gameplay improvements. They are also really simple to install; with just two clicks of a button, they will be in your game. So let’s get into the article!


10. Faster Gun Handling

The fastest hand in the west.

This is a simple mod that makes gun handling faster in the game. Henri will act now like a real soldier. This mod only makes the animation faster for all actions with guns, like pulling out the weapon, aiming, and reloading it. 

The best part about the mod is that it also applies to the shotgun but not to throwables like grenades. This mod is fun because it won’t take Henri forever to pull out the weapon to defend himself, and it will make the game faster.

Faster Gun Handling Key Features:

  • Makes the animations for the revolver and shotgun faster.
  • It will be easier to defend yourself when the monster is chasing you.
  • It doesn’t apply to throwables like grenades.

Faster Gun Handling details:



9. Infinite Gen Fuel

I feel safe now!

Here’s another really simple mod that makes the game easier to play and makes you less anxious, and that’s the infinite generator fuel. It’s a really simple mod, and it basically makes the generator last forever. 

This in turn will make the monster spawn less, and you won’t have to worry about it that much, although you should still be careful. It makes playing the game on hard difficulty more bearable. You do have to fuel the generator once, and it will last forever!

Infinite Gen Fuel Key Features:

  • Makes the hard difficulty playable.
  • The monster will spawn less due to light being present at all times.
  • It gives you less anxiety and makes you feel safe.

Infinite Gen Fuel Details:



8. Cinematic/Alternative Bunker Color Grading

The game is so colorful now!

Are you tired of looking at the same colors all the time and wish the game had vibrancy? Well, if you did, then this mod is for you. This mod changes the colors of the game completely and makes it look pretty. It’s also great for screenshots. 

It adds a cinematic feel to the game, and honestly, it immerses you even more into the gameplay. The best part about this mod is that it doesn’t change the atmosphere of the game, and it still has a gritty and dark feeling when playing it.

Cinematic/Alternative Bunker Color Grading Key Features:

  • It doesn’t compromise the atmosphere or the gritty feeling of the game.
  • It gives the game more color and makes it more vibrant.
  • It’s great for taking cinematic screenshots.

Cinematic/Alternative Bunker Color Grading Details:



7. Resident Evil Safe Room

This is how a safe room should sound!

There’s something just safe and calming about hearing the Resident Evil: Remastered Safe Room sound. I have no idea what it is, but it’s just soothing to hear. That sound is a masterpiece. The real ones know what I’m talking about. 

If you wish for that to happen in Amnesia: The Bunker and to have that reassuring sound, then just get this mod. As soon as you save with a lantern, the sound of the safe room from Resident Evil will play.

Resident Evil Safe Room Key Features:

  • The sound effect sounds soothing to the ears.
  • The sound makes you feel safe in your safe room.
  • It’s relieving to hear the sound effects play after doing an objective or being chased by the monster.

Resident Evil Safe Room Details:



6. Dog Tag Randomizer

Where the hell is the damn valve?

Do you want to replay the game again, but you’re kind of tired of knowing where all of the important items are? Well, if you are, then this mod is for you. Instead of just randomizing the dog tags, it will also randomize the wrench, lockdown wheel, Henri and Lambert’s dog tags, gas mask code, shotgun code, and so on. 

The randomization won’t lock you out of the game, so that’s a good thing. If the lockdown wheel spawns in another area, that area will be unlocked for you, so you can go get the wheel. It’s a great mod that allows for more replayability in the game.

Dog Tag Randomizer Key Features:

  • Allows the randomization of the wrench and lockdown wheel without soft-locking you out of the game.
  • Gives the game more replayability.
  • The dog tags are even more randomized and unpredictable.

Dog Tag Randomizer Details:



5. Nightmare At War

Aw man, why am I in a dream?

We are now in the part of complete overhauls of the game and custom maps. The first one that I need to mention is Nightmare At War. There aren’t any checkpoints in this custom map, but that’s fine because it’s short and sweet. 

You’ll be inside the nightmare of a soldier from WW1. If you’re having trouble figuring out the puzzles, the creator has left some hints on his download page. Don’t read them if you want to have fun; only refer to that cheat list if you’re stuck at a part of the game.

Nightmare At War Key Features:

  • You’ll be playing a custom map that’s based on the nightmare of a WW1 soldier.
  • The map is short and sweet.
  • There aren’t any checkpoints on the map.
  • The creator has left a cheat sheet if you’re stuck at a part in the description of the mod.

Nightmare At War Details:



4. Monster Emerge

Now he can use that hole.

Have you ever wondered how the administration room has a rat hole for the monster to come out of, but he never uses it? Now, with this mod you won’t even be safe in your safe room, as the monster can emerge from the hole that forms in the administration room. 

You won’t have a sense of security anymore when you’re in the administration room, as the monster can attack you in it. Now you have to be quiet in the administration room if you want to use it, because if you’re making loud sounds, the monster will come and get you.

Monster Emerge Key Features:

  • It removes the sense of security you get from being in the safe room.
  • The monster can emerge from the rat hole in the administration room.
  • You will never be safe, and you have to be extra quiet now.

Monster Emerge Details:




Where the hell am I now?

Here’s another short and sweet custom map for the game. In this map, your job is to escape a bunker; there aren’t any checkpoints whatsoever, so you just kind of have to wing it to win it. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard and it’s quite easy to complete. 

You can even speedrun it if you know what to do. Some puzzles can scratch your brain, but you should figure it out. It’s quite amazing what people can do with custom mods in this game, and you are surely going to have fun with this one.

Meat Key Features:

  • A short and sweet custom map that takes place in a bunker.
  • You play as a prisoner of war trying to escape.
  • The puzzles aren’t that hard, but they can scratch your brain a bit.
  • The monster will appear, but it’s mostly scripted unless you make a lot of sounds.

Meat Details:



2. The Coming Century

Holy moly I didn’t expect this now.

If you have played Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, this mod is a prequel to that game. Well, it’s not an official prequel because it was made by a fan for “Frictional Mod Jam 2023”. It has a whole story behind it and a narrative tale, with cutscenes and everything that a real game would have. 

The story is also interesting, and you play Edwin Mandus, an English soldier set out to find his brother Enoch in the battle of Somme. The mod also has multiple endings, and it depends on your choice of which ending you will get. 

The Coming Century Key Features:

  • A whole custom story mod for Amnesia: The Bunker is available for free.
  • It’s an unofficial prequel to Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.
  • It has a narrative story.
  • It has multiple endings.

The Coming Century Details:



1. DOOM (E1M1)

I swear we will be able to play Doom on anything in the future.

If you want a mod that turns Amnesia into a different game, then you have to play the Doom mod. As you can see, this mod will turn Amnesia into the first Doom game released, and you’ll be able to play through the first level. Instead of fighting demons, you’ll be fighting the monster from Amnesia: The Bunker. 

Don’t worry, you only have to hit them once, and they will run away. The mod also includes all the secrets you can find in the original Doom level, and it even has the original music from the level. I have no idea how this person managed to do this, but it’s insane if you ask me, and you should give it a shot.

DOOM (E1M1) Key Features:

  • You can play through the first level of Doom (E1M1) in Amnesia: The Bunker.
  • The map mod contains all the secrets from the original Doom level.
  • It has the original soundtrack playing in the background during the level.
  • It’s a complete overhaul of the game.

DOOM (E1M1) Details:



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