[Top 15] Amnesia The Bunker Best FPS Settings To Improve Gameplay

Amnesia The Bunker Best FPS Settings To Improve Gameplay
11 Dec 2023

This game doesn’t need a beast PC to run, but the optimization isn’t that good; it's mediocre at best. Thankfully, the game can be run on almost any PC, but there will be some issues along the way, such as FPS drops. The biggest issue that I have with the game is when you’re going into a new area and it freezes for a few seconds. 

That’s because it’s trying to load a new area without a loading screen so that it doesn’t take you out of the game and ruin the immersion, but honestly, I’d rather take a loading screen than a freeze, if you ask me. In today’s article, we’ll be talking about the best settings that can improve your FPS and reduce that damn lag, so with that, let’s get into it!


15. Display Mode

This setting changes the display mode in the game. I recommend that you put it on full screen so that your PC’s resources are only focused on the game. If it's borderless or windowed, your PC’s resources are separated into the game and other functions that are open on your PC, such as Steam, a web browser, and so on. By turning it to fullscreen, you are sure to squeeze out a few extra frames.

How To Apply Setting:

  • Open the game.
  • Head over to the settings tab.
  • Click on the display tab.
  • Change the display mode under “Display”


When you enable this option, you will remove any screen tearing that you might have while playing. But if you do enable it, you might suffer from some lag spikes. So it’s in the best of your interest to disable this setting to improve your performance in total!

How To Apply Setting:

  • When in the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, click the display button.
  • Disable VSYNC.

13. Depth Of Field

This setting highly affects your GPU performance, and it’s in your best interest that you lower it to the max. What this setting does when enabled is that it blurs distant objects when something is close to your camera. Similarly, in real life, when something is close to your face, distant objects will become blurry. 

How To Apply Setting:

  • Go over to the settings tab once the game opens up.
  • Head over to the graphics tab.
  • Lower the depth of field as much as possible.

12. Resolution

One simple way to improve your FPS in general is to lower the overall resolution of the game. By lowering the resolution, your PC will have fewer pixels to generate and show on a screen. The fewer pixels on a screen, the better the FPS

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you open the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to display.
  • Lower your resolution.

11. Update Your Drivers

Today’s games aren’t like the old ones, where you could run them on old graphics card drivers. Oh no, you need to update your GPU drivers each time a new high-quality game comes out. By doing that you will improve your performance in said game and make it more smooth.

How To Apply Setting NVIDIA:

  • Open your Nvidia GeForce Experience or head over to the official Nvidia website.
  • Download the new drivers and install them.
  • By installing new drivers you should improve your performance.

How To Apply Setting AMD:

  • Open your AMD Software or head over to the official AMD website.
  • Download new drivers and install them.
  • With the new drivers installed, you should notice a performance improvement.

10. Anti-Aliasing

If you don’t mind seeing jagged edges and lines, then you can disable this setting to improve your performance. By disabling this setting, you will gain FPS, but in return, you will have jagged edges and lines across your screen

How To Apply Setting:

  • Once you’re in the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to graphics.
  • Lower Anti-Aliasing as much as possible.


This setting makes the game look even more immersive when it comes to the shadows of the game. What this setting does is make contact shadows for objects that are near each other. By disabling it, you will gain FPS! It also affects your GPU performance when enabled.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you open the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to graphics.
  • Disable SSAO.

8. Flashlight Shadows

This is a setting that you will most likely notice, as it makes your flashlight cast shadows on objects. When disabled, the objects won’t cast a shadow if a flashlight is on them. The setting affects CPU and GPU performance. 

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you’re in the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab, disable flashlight shadows.

7. Sun Shadow Quality

Now the sun can’t be seen that often, and it’s quite rare that you will run into some sun as the majority of the gameplay takes place in a bunker. But believe me, when you do run into some sun, your performance will dip, and you will start to lag and stutter. So to make that section much more enjoyable and playable, just disable this setting, as it affects your GPU, CPU, and VRAM usage.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you’re in the game, open the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab disable sun shadow quality.

6. Skin Shading

This might make the beast and your own character’s skin look a bit ugly when you disable it, but anything for performance. What this setting does when enabled is that it makes the skin of your character and the beast look realistic, which adds to the immersion, but sadly, it greatly affects your GPU performance, so we have to disable it to get some FPS.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you open the game, head over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to the graphic’s tab.
  • In the graphics tab, disable skin shading.

5. Dynamic Resolution

This is quite a great setting, and you should enable it if you’re struggling with FPS in general. What this setting does when enabled is that it lowers the resolution automatically if the framerate drops. This setting improves your GPU performance when enabled, and you should leave it on if you’re suffering from FPS loss.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you get into the game, go over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, go to the display tab.
  • In the display tab, enable dynamic resolution.

4. Smooth Particles

Honestly, if you have this setting enabled, just disable it. It’s hard to notice, and during my time playing the game, I didn’t even notice it at all. What this setting does is remove the hard edges when particles collide with the background. It greatly affects your GPU performance so it has to go.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you open the game head to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab go over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab, find the setting and disable it.

3. Texture Quality

If you don’t mind looking at textures that are like mud, then lower it as much as possible, but if that bothers you, then lower it to medium. When they are lowered to the max, you’ll gain a decent amount of FPS, and your performance in the game will improve.

How To Apply Setting:

  • Head over to the settings tab when the game opens up.
  • In the settings tab, go over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab, lower the texture quality to your liking.

2. Terrain Quality

If you have lowered the textures but still have FPS drops or stutters, then it’s time to reduce the terrain along with the textures. Now, this will make the game ugly, but it will boost your performance. It should help you out and remove those pesky stutters.

How To Apply Setting:

  • When the game boots up, go over to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, go over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab, lower the setting to your liking.

1. Shadow Quality

The biggest culprits behind low FPS and stutters are the shadows. By lowering them to the max, you will get a huge boost in performance. Plus, who cares about shadows if they are sharp enough or something like that? Trust me, when the beast is chasing you, you won’t care if the shadows look nice, so your best choice here is to disable this setting completely!

How To Apply Setting:

  • When you open the game, go to the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab, head over to the graphics tab.
  • In the graphics tab, lower the shadow quality to the lowest possible.
  • Enjoy the boost in performance like a true Chad.

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