A creative writer that has decided to take his hobby to the next level. He decided to become a professional writer and after years of experience writing what he loves, He first fell in love with writing a decade ago, when he started writing horror novels. Umut decided to use his creative energy on the geek culture. An expert in gaming and a lot of topics that surrounds the gaming space, he now writes about his favorite games and genres.

Expert in souls-like titles, Umut has played every From Software title starting from Demons' Souls more times than he can count. Expert in other games like CS:GO, Dota 2, ARPG titles like Path of Exile and Diablo, he writes about interesting topics that surrounds gaming. Having a bachelor's degree in English Language Teaching, he has been a writer for companies writing articles that span various topics from e-commerce to of course, gaming.

As a hobby, Umut has been playing video games before he knew how to read or write, aimlessly mashing buttons to get past that Vice City level. You know the one. His favorite genres are ARPGs, sandboxes, and competitive multiplayer titles like shooters and MOBAs.
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