Nour is a 28 year old graphic designer from the hardest map on any video game "Tunisia".

For 2 years, she worked as a journalist / photographer, covering conflict in North Africa, cause she wasn't getting enough adrenaline and decided to make her life an FPS IRL game.
She's best at writing about PVP and FPS video games plus card and board games , being the queen of Monopoly and Cards against humanity and obviously has a lot of opinions about every game i play that i put down in writing.
I'm pretty experienced at gaming and i'm a geek at heart as in I will not leave my house if i'm not winning the game, or if i'm watching something new and intriguing.
Started gaming at a very young age, mean remember Atari and that game of pigeons? That was her first console and first game and she has this theory that the pigeons were programmed to die even if you don't shoot them, and that is one of the reasons why she actually loves writing about video games, it's the user experience that makes you more able to talk about the pros and cons of a game and about how it feels while playing it.
After having played so many genres, she realized that what she loves the most is playing horror and thriller games like Left for Dead, Resident Evil, Silent Hill...etc

Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Rocket League