As an attorney, creative writer, and tutor, Alex is a seasoned writer with professional experience. His passion for the art of writing led him to pursue a degree in English, followed by a law degree. He began gaming in the Super Nintendo era and writing fiction at a young age. As he played, he quickly developed an interest in music and storytelling in video games, leading him to research the developers and creatives working behind the curtain of the industry.

Alex's expertise encompasses JRPGs, fighting games, and video game music. JRPGs are his oldest love, and he has played everything from the first Final Fantasies, to the cult classic Earthbound, to the modern entries in the Persona series. He has played fighting games for over twelve years, dabbled in competitive play, and absorbed the history of fighting games and their most legendary players. At seven years old, he recorded video game music on a cassette player just so he could listen to his favorite tunes, and follows everything from the storied career of Nobuo Uematsu to the fresh work of indie darling Toby Fox.

Alex hopes to meld his love of writing with his passion for the rapidly evolving landscape of video games.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Pokemon Scarlet