Starcraft Movie: 10 Celebrities Who Can Play The Role of Jim Raynor

10 Celebrities Who Could Play the Role of Jim Raynor
28 Sep 2015

If they ever decide to make a starcraft movie, my vote goes to these actors. 

Have you ever enjoyed destroying the Zerg swarm on a Sunday afternoon, when suddenly you have an epiphany. You wonder how awesome it would be if Starcraft 2 were made into a movie.

The plot, action and characters would rattle the box-office if brought to the big screen. But there’s a problem, who would play the role of Jim Raynor?

An actor with the ability to portray Jim Raynor would be few and far between. Replicating such gallantry and bravery in the face of extreme danger is no easy feat. The actor would need to exhibit a heroic nature and nerves of steel. 

With that said, sit back and enjoy the countdown to the top 10 celebrities who can take on the role of Jim Raynor.

10. Sean Connery

Starting the countdown is none other than Sean Connery.

This action legend formerly played the role of the infamous spy James Bond. Courageously pursuing a mission’s goal all the while enjoying the benefits of dashing good looks and a bottomless bank account. These two attributes alone easily lands him the number ten position on our list.

His experience with working under pressure and handiness with advanced gadgets would allow him to perfectly imitate the fearless Jim Raynor. He is also accustomed to improvising, which would prove invaluable against the many mutations and strange creations of the Zerg swarm.

9. Sylvester Stallone

Replicating the ideals and intimidating demeanor of Jim Raynor takes a rather muscular physic and willingness to face staggering odds. Sylvester Stallone has proven time and time again that the overwhelming odds are his ideal situation. Familiarity with inadequate equipment and using the element of surprise is exactly what a character representing Jim Raynor would need.

His portrayal of Rambo and Barney Ross in the Expendables accompanied by his drive to protect others perfectly aligns with Raynors idealisms. Spare only the innocent and bring justice to the oppressors. 

8. Brad Pitt

Jim Raynor commands the battle-cruiser Hyperion. This marvelous piece of machinery is only as good as her crew.

In the movie Fury, Brad Pitt commanded his crew flawlessly allowing them to conquer much greater adversaries. Several crew members from various backgrounds worked to accomplish a single goal.

Similarly, Jim Raynor unites various individuals to work towards a common goal resulting in astonishing victories.

Brad Pitt's portrayal of Raynor would also sync with his ability to seemingly be unaffected by setbacks. Turning an unfortunate situation into your enemy’s worse nightmare is no easy task, well unless you’re Jim Raynor, or Brad Pitt portraying Raynor.

7. Kevin Costner

Although not a true action film veteran, Kevin Costner bares a reasonable resemblance to Jim Raynor. For this reason, he has landed the number seven position in our countdown.

This fact aside, Costner also mentored one of the greatest super heroes ever created, “Superman”. In the film, Man of Steel, Costner plays the role of Jonathan Kent and helps nurture the developing Clark Kent.

With natural looks similar to those of Raynor's and the ability to guide others down the correct path, I would easily cast a vote for Kevin Costner as the role of Jim Raynor. 

6. Keanu Reeves

This gun slinging maverick is no stranger to the action world and has proven himself several times over humanity's savior.

In his most memorable film, The Matrix, Keanu Reeves sacrifices his own life to cease the war threatening humanity's extinction.  Jim Raynor fortunately never had to make such a sacrifice, but on several occasions displayed his willingness to put his life at risk for others.

Such a skill is not easily taught and would prove invaluable in Reeves portrayal as Raynor. Keanue Reeves is also well versed in several pistols which would ideally copy the manner in which Raynor wields his trusty revolver.

5. Nathan Fillion

Analogous to Raynor, Nathan Fillion was the commander of a spacecraft named the Firefly. Although not as technologically advanced as the Hyperion, the firefly was still an awe inspiring ship. Both ships required great leadership and on several occasions faced imminent demise. 

Fillion valiantly commanded his crew and consistently choose the path of righteousness despite the threats and punishments accompanied by the betrayal of his employers. This mindset coincides with Raynors and would help him make even the most resistant Sci-Fi critics fall in love with the Starcraft universe.

4. Mel Gibson

This well-known actor idealizes the image of a hero and liberator.

Portraying this role in films such as Mad Max and Braveheart, Mel Gibson routinely demonstrates his ability to lead and encourage others. Similar to Raynor, Gibson charges head first into battle, assuming the worst but hoping for the best. 

Maintaining his composure despite the strenuous requirements of such a role, Gibson faithfully delivers the captivating role fans have grown to love. His experience in the action film industry will undoubtedly assist in charming fans and critics alike.   

3. Bruce Willis

Although physically distinguishable from Raynor, Bruce Willis lands the third slot on our countdown due to his ability to prevail regardless of the situation.

An actor portraying Raynor would need to convince fans, he was worried by the situation, all the while knowing the outcome would be favorable.

Raynor’s confidence in his abilities is monumental despite any evidence pointing towards the contrary. Bruce Willis is renowned for displaying profound confidence and sheer fearlessness in the face of danger. Such abilities along with a hint of makeup will easily convince fans Jim Raynor is a living person, not just an actor in disguise.

2. Dwayne Johnson

This muscle sporting righteous maniac stops at nothing to catch his target. In the Starcraft universe, this villain would be none other than general Arcturus Mengsk. Hiding behind walls of civilians, technology and political antics, Mengsk feels safe knowing the entire military is sworn to defend his corrupt regime. 

Such walls and cowardice proved fatal in his final battle involving Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan. Johnson’s muscular physique is comparable to that of Raynors and would be necessary for scenes involving the enormous marine combat suite. His natural urge to lead and unyielding resolve to capture villains would certainly help bring the fictional Raynor to life.

1. Tom Cruise

Capturing the number one spot in our countdown is none other than F-14 Tomcat pilot Tom Cruise.

In the film Top Gun, Tom cruise demonstrated his affinity for taking risks while defying authorities in pursuit of his selfish goals. Although initially a hot shot and exceptionally selfish, Tom cruise learns what it takes to become a leader. Raynor also uses risky battle tactics to achieve his goals and similar to Tom cruise, grows from each experience.

Accompanying the unique ability to play both hero and vigilante, Tom cruise confidently claims the number one position because of his tenacious appetite for doing the impossible. Any man that completes a mission deemed impossible four times surely has what it takes to depict the legendary outlaw Jim Raynor.

As always I invite everyone to chime on the debate regarding which actors would most accurately represent Jim Raynor in a live action StarCraft film. If you feel certain actors would better fulfill the role of hero and vigilante do not hesitate to leave a comment. I am sure others have not only contemplated the idea of a Starcraft movie, but even compiled similar lists.

Let us know what you think. Also, i know you have yet to get youre fill of video game news today, so feel free to continue on to the following articles. Video Games Turned Into Movies and Movies for Left for Dead Fans.
