The Mortuary Assistant Reveals the Remarkable Human Fascination with Death

The Mortuary Assistant Reveals the Remarkable Human Fascination with Death
11 Dec 2023

Death goes back to the beginning of time, and unsurprisingly, a lot of people are quite afraid of it. However, despite the fear people have for death, or perhaps because of that fear, they are also often fascinated by it.

Use the tools of a mortician to conduct investigations into the cause of death and prep the bodies for burial. Image by 'Mortuary Assistant.'

Death is a part of everyday life, and for some people, even a career. ‘The Mortuary Assistant’ places players in a unique role, requiring them to play as an assistant at a mortuary. In other words, when a doctor wants to do an autopsy, they are the ones who will need to do the cutting and moving around of the dead bodies.

In ‘The Mortuary Assistant’ players play as an apprentice that has recently completed their degree in mortuary sciences and is doing apprentice work at the River Fields Mortuary.

Players must conduct standard duties as those normally conducted at a mortuary, embalming dead bodies and processing them for cremation or burial.

Exorcise demons from possessed bodies. Image by 'Mortuary Assistant.'

Strange rumors have been circulating around town, suggesting that some of the dead bodies at River Fields Mortuary are not simply embalmed and processed as normal, but rather they are possessed by demonic spirits and twisted into an unholy union with forces of darkness.

The apprentice initially believes these stories to be mere rumors, however, strange activity after dark soon proves otherwise. Players must then exorcise the demonic spirits after they have possessed the bodies, laying the dead to rest for good and banishing the spirits that possess them.

‘The Mortuary Assistant’ is developed by ‘DarkStone Digital’ and is available on Steam.

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