10 Reasons Why Star Wars KOTOR Is So Good

10 Reasons why Star Wars : KOTOR is just so good!
11 Dec 2023

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (or KOTOR if you don't want to say the long title) is widely regarded as the best Star Wars game for very good reason. 

Developed by BioWare in 2005, one of the titans of modern RPG titles, Kotor takes place 4,000 years before the events of the Star Wars films, during a time when the Sith plagued the galaxy in great numbers. One of the main sith at the time Darth Malak has launched an armada against the Republic, and it’s not long before your character is caught in the middle of it all. 

Although it had a foray on mobile devices about 8 years ago, Kotor is still good today for many reasons and today I give you 10 of them.


10. It Gives Players Freedom 

Kotor allowed fans and novices to live out their intergalactic fantasies without many restrictions. 

The player can choose to be either light side or dark side in the same game. Players can also roleplay their own story and create their own build. With 6 classes and lightsaber types such as dual blade and short players can live out there fantasy jedi in game.


9. This Isn't A Game Just About Evil People Trying To Take Over The World.

This story isn't so much about stopping the bad guys as it is about Revan and his actions during this era. 

The player learns more about Revan and why does what he does. This is more impactful because it doesn't feel like a “classic stop the bad guy save the day" type of story. The player goes to worlds Revan has been on and stops sith that Malak sends on you not because evil people are taking over but because of a deeper plot within the lore of the story.


8. The Cast Of Characters In The Game And The Voice Acting That Goes With It.

No story can be good without an interesting cast of characters. This game takes the voice acting to another level making it more impactful for the player.

Every character you travel with has a side quest and story attached to them. The way each actor and actress takes every small voice acting role to heart makes the game more enjoyable. For example one of the huts says starkiller while the rest is in an alien language. Because each character in the game is unique, big or small shows how bioware pays attention to detail and makes you feel a part of the star wars universe. 


7.  The Ideology This Game Gives You With Its Lore 

Without a doubt Kotor is a lore heavy game. The ideology of the sith and jedi during this era gives you more information on the two factions that the movies missed out on. 

This explores a different part of Star Wars going back 4000 years. This allows for new content that hasn't been told before and creates a universe of stories that can be told.


6. The Replay Value

Players will not learn everything on their first playthrough making them have to play more than once to get the full experience. This is good because every playthrough you can try something different. 

Say you play the game the first time on the light side. You won't know what you could have done differently and You'll want to know what it'd be like to do a dark side run. Every time you replay the game you'll always find that one sidequest you didn't know was there or find a secret area that you swear you found but really didnt. 


5.  The Choice Dialogue 

The choice dialogue is by far one of the main reasons this game is so good. The story allows the player to make different choices during conversations based on a list of replies they can say. 

Being able to make choices gives you the player more of a sense of control. It makes you feel as if everything you do in the game actually matters, this is good because even though some choices give the same reaction you still feel like you're impacting the story overall.


4. The lively Scenery and Worlds To Explore!

For the time this game was created the graphics could be a bit better. But the wind, the wildlife and the overall look of the world gives you a lively feeling. 

At the time (2005) there weren't many worlds known in Star Wars apart from the movies. KOTOR changed that by showing us new worlds like Korriban, Mannan and Dantooine which weren't introduced beforehand. The scenery to the planets are well detailed and gives us new lore to explore. 


3. The Soundtrack! 

Star Wars just isn't Star Wars without a good soundtrack.This game has a variety of them and keeps you on your toes. It's interesting and immersive. 

The game switches its music based on the situation at the time. For example,before you enter a battle the music is calm and relaxing giving you a chill Naboo vibe and then switches to intense fighting music as if you're in an action movie and your life depends on it. 


2. The engaging combat system! 

This reason is debatable for many who've played KOTOR. Using the Dungeons and Dragons playstyle the player attacks in turns and hits are based on the roll of the dice but in real time.(There no actual dice rolling in this game unless you count Pazaak)

The combat system is good because when it came out there was nothing like it. The developers were able to make a game and have it feel like you're playing d&d with your friends during that one get together. Now it has aged over the many years and wouldn't be considered good for today's standards but the combat system is unique in its own right to where players still have fun with it today. 


1. The Incredible Writing And Detail To The Story Over Gameplay!

The number one reason why this game is just so good? The writing! Everything the characters have to say, be it your companions, someone you just looted or the person who just gave you a sidequest, every person has a level of personality that just fits Star wars.

One example of great writing is the companion Jolee Bindo. His view on the light side and the dark side are very controversial but goes very in depth with both sides showing the player their flaws. This type of writing lets you know the universe you're in and shows the player just how much there is. 


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