Why Monster Hunter Rise Is Popular: 10 Reasons Players Love It

Why Monster Hunter Rise is popular
11 Dec 2023

As of January 2023, Monster Hunter Rise has sold more than 5 million copies between PC and Nintendo Switch. But should you choose it over other games in the series? What makes it different? And why do players love it so much? 

Here are 10 reasons:

1. Fast-paced Combat

A Long Sword user hunting Magnamalo in Monster Hunter Rise

The Monster Hunter series is known for its methodical (and sometimes clunky) approach to combat. Thankfully, Monster Hunter Rise flips that stereotype on its head with the addition of wirebugs and switch skills–making it the most fast-paced game in the series by far. 

Why We Love This:

  • Wirebug skills make getting from point A to point B easier (and more fun!) than it has ever been.
  • Recovery time for using wirebugs is low, so reaching your target monster never feels like a slog.
  • Switch skills add an endless amount of variety to Monster Hunter Rise’s gameplay, and sometimes completely alter how a weapon should be used.

2. Extensive Build Variety

Your equipment menu in Monster Hunter Rise

14 unique weapon types plus a plethora of switch skills means this game has a build for everyone. Want to disable monsters by continually knocking them out? Try the hammer. Prefer a comfier, defense-first option? The lance has you covered. Pro-tip: there’s no reason to stick to one weapon type. Trying them all is part of what makes this game so addicting!

Why We Love This:

  • The ability to have multiple builds for each weapon type keeps the game from getting stale.
  • Switch skills keep weapons fresh, including those that might not be considered “meta.”
  • If you find yourself struggling with a certain monster, there’s a good chance a weapon change could help.

3. New-player Friendly

Monster Hunter Rise is filled with tutorials for new players

Getting the hang of hunting has never been easier than it is in Monster Hunter Rise. Complex systems have been reworked (and reworked again) so even those players brand new to the series can join in on the fun. 

Why We Love This:

  • In the past, Monster Hunter games had a reputation of being difficult, clunky, and confusing. Reducing complexity while maintaining a smooth experience has allowed Monster Hunter Rise to reach a much wider audience. And more players means more fun!
  • Some systems that make Monster Hunter Rise more accessible to new players are much-welcomed additions for veterans, too. We’re looking at you, minimap.

4. Easy Co-op

A party of 4 cooperative hunters in Monster Hunter Rise

Unlike previous titles, co-op in Monster Hunter Rise is as it should be–loads of fun and available right from the start. All you need to do is speak to the Mailman Palico and create a lobby (or join an existing one.) After you’re in a party, select a quest from the Gathering Hub and you’re good to go!

Why We Love This:

  • While Monster Hunter Rise can definitely be played solo, we much prefer hunting with friends. There’s just nothing quite like getting thrown across the screen by a badly-timed swing from a greatsword.
  • Monsters get a slight stat boost when hunted by multiple players, but it’s easily outweighed by having double the damage.

5. Quality of Life Improvements

Easy fishing is just one of the welcome improvements in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter has changed a lot in the last 15+ years. For the most part, Capcom has listened to the concerns of its fanbase and each game has made improvements that make the experience more… well, fun.

Some particularly welcome changes in Monster Hunter Rise:

  • Palamute riding
  • Fluid combat
  • Whetstones are unlimited
  • Fishing rods, pickaxes etc. are automatically in your inventory
  • Hot drinks and cold drinks are no longer needed

6. Tons of Event Quests

The Okami event layered set in Monster Hunter Rise

At the time of writing, Capcom has released more than 60 event quests for Monster Hunter Rise in the form of free DLC. These quests feature some of the toughest hunts in the game, but don’t skip out on them–the rewards are worth it! Who wouldn’t want more layered armor? 

Here’s a sneak peak at a few of the more notable events, their difficulty, and your rewards for completing them:

  • Dual Threat: Revelry of Destruction (MR6) - Qurio Crown layered armor
  • A Dress to Die For (MR6) - Dusk layered armor
  • Rising Sun!? (HR2) - Ammy Costume layered armor
  • USJ - Arzuros Onslaught! (HR7) - Azure Era set
  • Zin and Yang (HR7) - Gala Suit layered armor

7. Regular Title Updates

One of the the exciting Title Updates in Monster Hunter Rise

Releasing new monsters and quests through Title Updates is a common thread in the Monster Hunter franchise, and we’re happy Monster Hunter Rise sticks to that pattern. Title Updates 1 through 3 are available at the time of writing this article, and #4 is expected to drop sometime in February. So far, 10 new monster variations have been released–along with loads of additional content.

Here are some of the most exciting releases:

Title Update 1:

  • Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Lucent Nargacuga, Seething Bazelgeuse

Title Update 2:

  • Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune, Risen Chameleos

Title Update 3:

  • Chaotic Gore Magala, Risen Kushala Daora, Risen Teostra

8. Ergonomic User Interface

The new and improved map in Monster Hunter Rise

The entire UI has been overhauled in Monster Hunter Rise, resulting in a more ergonomic and easy-to-use feel.

Here are a few changes we’re really enjoying:


  • Tracking monsters via the minimap has never been easier. And since each locale takes place in one large area, losing track of your target in between zones is no longer an issue.


  • The new heads-up-display is detailed without feeling cluttered, giving you the information you need without being distracting.

Material searching

  • Monster Hunter fans are used to using websites or a companion app to find various materials, but Monster Hunter Rise makes things a little easier by including a robust search feature.

9. Layered Armor and Weapons

Some of the stylish layered armor pieces released in Monster Hunter Rise

While layered armor has been a much-loved staple of the Monster Hunter series for quite awhile, Title Update 2 gave fans something we’ve been wanting for a very, very long time–layered weapons.

Why We Love This:

  • The ability to apply layers to your weapons and armor means you no longer have to choose between looking good and having good stats. 
  • Palicos and Palamutes benefit from this as well, so your whole party can hunt in style.
  • Layered equipment has allowed Capcom to bring in tons of collaborations from other franchises.

10. Palamutes

Your new furry best friend, the Palamute

No Monster Hunter Rise list would be complete without mentioning everyone’s favorite addition–the Palamute. Like their feline counterparts, Palamutes join you in battle and provide an assortment of buffs, status effects, and straight damage. How’s that for a furry best friend?

Why we love Palamutes:

  • Palamutes aren’t just cute; they’re vital for surviving some of the tougher hunts.
  • Each palamute you recruit is fully customizable–including color patterns, equipment, and skills.
  • Palamutes function as mounts too, giving a boost to Monster Hunter Rise’s already quick gameplay.
  • Palamutes level alongside your hunter, so the higher you climb, the more useful they are.


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