[Top 10] Westland Survival Best Weapons (Ranked)

RPG mobile games, Western RPG, Free-to-Play mobile games
11 Dec 2023

Top 10 Westland Survival Best Weapons (Ranked)

In this article, I will be covering the weapons based on its convenience, stats, and its level of efficiency for everyone. Do keep in mind that: 1.) The stats of each and every weapon here are based on blueprint level 1, meaning its stats will increase with every blueprint that you get, and 2.) The weapon’s damage and attack speed will be affected by the points that you put on your character’s skill tab.

10. Pepperbox

Pepperbox will help you start your journey through West

“The first revolver. Simple and affordable.”

Right off the bat, we’ll start with the good ol’ Pepperbox. You won’t have to worry about getting one when starting a new game as they will provide you with one as soon as you land on your base. It will be stored inside the broken cart along with other things. One other way of obtaining Pepperboxes is through daily rewards, which is given on the 4th day of the 1st week.

A Tier 2 weapon, its attack speed and damage is pretty impressive as it can fend off outlaws and animals, as well as it is easy to craft one and it is cheap to repair one. I personally use this whenever I go to the green zones where enemies don’t need much damage. Yes, this weapon may not be much in the first as it exists also with Beretta, but it will do its job when it comes to hunting and taking down outlaws.


Damage: 112

Attack Speed: 77

Range: 4

Durability: 120


1x Bronze Plate, 1x Bronze Rivet, 1x Bronze Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Green zones

Random Events

9. Blockflinte

A weekly reward, but Blockflinte still packs a punch

“For a clear shot, you need this double barrel shotgun.”

Another weapon easily available at the daily rewards, you can get this weapon at the 3rd week of daily rewards. Even though this weapon can be found along the daily rewards, it should not be underestimated as Blockflinte belongs to the Tier 3 category, and it  can dish out damage in one shot, as it covers a decent aoe when fired. 

From my experience, I like to use this gun even when entering zones where a higher caliber gun is needed. Places such as Shallow Lake and Flooded Plateau. It is reliable as it has 150 durability and a hefty amount of damage depending on the blueprint level of the weapon. I already have this gun at blueprint level 5, and if you’re just like me who wants to reserve guns with higher tier, this is the best alternative to use.


Damage: 298

Attack Speed: 80

Range: 3.5

Durability: 150


1x Maple Board, 1x Iron Rivet, 1x Iron Plate, 2x Iron Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Green to Yellow zones

Canyon Trials

Spirit Cave

Outlaw Outposts

8. Tribal Sledge Hammer

“You can beat the enemy down, or pound his coffin lid.”

Surprised to see a melee weapon? You shouldn’t be, since this is one of the best and most accessible melee in the game. Categorized as a Tier 2 weapon, this weapon can be used to one shot enemies. Despite it having a low durability compared to the ones in this list, it is safe to say that this is best used when sneaking up on enemies.

Do take note that this weapon can only be found inside the Spirit Cave. It seems a bit tough especially if you’re a first time player, but once you clear out the four doors, not only you will come out with a Tribal Sledge Hammer, you’ll also be bringing a lot of clothing and materials out of there that will be extremely helpful!


Damage: 446

Attack Speed: 59

Range: 1.6

Durability: 65



Yellow to Orange zones

Spirit Cave

Outlaw Outposts

7. Fast Load Shotgun

Speed and damage is what Fast Load Shotgun offers

“Fast double barrel shotgun can stop any opponent.”

Want a cheap weapon but has damage AND wide area effect? Look no further, Fast Load Shotgun is your go-to for that. Or at least for the time being while you continue your journey throughout the West, though some may prefer to use Beretta rather than this, I’ll let you decide from your experience on which is better.

A Tier 4 weapon, you'd be surprised at how this weapon can do damage to outlaws and animals. Not as painful as the other shotguns mentioned in this list, but it will certainly do its tricks especially when there’s a mob of outlaws right in front of you. You just have to be a bit careful when using weapons that has a wide area effect, as some passive animals can attack you as well when you accidentally shoot them.


Damage: 346

Attack Speed: 80

Range: 3.5

Durability: 230


1x Ash Board, 1x Steel Rivet, 1x Steel Plate, 1x Steel Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Yellow to Orange zones

Canyon Trials

Spirit Cave

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

Ranch Raid

6. Colt Patterson

Colt Patterson is a rare weapon offered at the weekly rewards

As colt as ice

The last weapon that is given on the daily rewards, though you might not want to underestimate this weapon. Even though Peacemaker (which I'll get on to in a moment) is just above this weapon in terms of damage and durability, Colt Patterson can be just as dangerous and fast as the Peacemaker. And you won't have to worry about getting one! 

Just like every other Rare blueprint, it has a special effect that goes along with it as you unlock this weapon. With its 18% chance of critical strike, it will certainly give you enough time and will save this weapon’s durability while using it. So even if Colt Patterson is included in the Tier 3 list, don’t let it fool you.


Damage: 359

Attack Speed: 125

Range: 4

Durability: 150


3x Iron Rivet, 2x Iron Plate, 2x Iron Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Yellow to Orange zones

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

Ranch Raid

5. Peacemaker

Peacemaker, a weapon that upholds its name

“Powerful and accurate revolver made by Colt.”

Currently my favorite weapon to use as of today. With the special events that had happened in November throughout January, this weapon has helped me breeze through the event quests that occurred in those months. Belonging in the Tier 4, Peacemaker holds its place in the number 5 spot for its durability, damage, and range.

As you progress in the game, you will find it hard to grind for materials sometimes, and repairing higher tier weapons isn’t ideal especially if you’re trying to save up for upgrading your base. That’s why Peacemaker landed on number 5, aside from its stats, its repair cost is cheap enough that you won’t have to worry about spending too much materials for your weapon.


Damage: 407

Attack Speed: 125

Range: 5

Durability: 200


1x Steel Rivet, 1x Steel Plate, 1x Steel Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Yellow to Orange zones

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

4. LeMat Revolver

LeMat, a versatile yet strong weapon

A weapon that will hold your hand throughout red zones

Good ol’ LeMat, a fan-favorite of those who’ve played Westland Survival long enough. This is probably everyone’s go-to weapon when venturing out to gather materials and trying out Canyon Trials. With 22% chance of critical strike, this is no doubt one of the safest weapons to use when dealing with outlaws 1v1 or when you’re trying to reach higher levels in the Canyon Trials.

Just like the Peacemaker, LeMat belongs to the Tier 4 category, although this is one of the powerful guns that belongs in the Tier 4 category and is the most commonly used by longtime players of the game. Using this alongside the Revolving Carbine, LeMat can be used as a final blow to enemies running towards you.


Damage: 575

Attack Speed: 125

Range: 5

Durability: 200


2x Steel Plate, 2x Steel Rivet, 3x Steel Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Red zone

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

3. Revolving Carbine

You can partner every weapon with Revolving Carbine

Revolving countless of outlaws since 1855

A rare weapon, Revolving Carbine can be used as a second weapon as its special effects are slowing down enemies with the chance of 25% for 0.5 seconds. Belonging at Tier 4, this weapon is normally used in the Canyon Trials for its effects that was mentioned, and adding its damage, it can clear most of the spirit enemies there.

While Sharps Rifle almost has the same effects as the Revolving Carbine, the former is short when you include its damage and durability when you compare it to the Revolving Carbine. Despite the split opinions that I’ve seen whether or not Revolving Carbine is much better than the Buffalo Rifle, one thing I’m sure of is that both weapons will do its job when it comes to fending off outlaws that are trying to put you down.


Damage: 659

Attack Speed: 100

Range: 5

Durability: 300


3x Ash Board, 3x Steel Plate, 3x Steel Rivet, 3x Steel Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Red zone

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

2. Winchester Model 1892

Winchester Model 1892, the former strongest weapon in Westland Survival

Move aside, the King of the West is here

Just like the Revolving Carbine, the Winchester Model 1892 also slows down enemies with the chance of 25% by 0.5 seconds. What makes it different from the former weapon? Well, firstly its damage. At blueprint level 1, the Winchester Model 1892 offers a damage of 1054, making a huge leap from Revolving Carbine’s damage of 659. And while this weapon’s range only has a 1 point advantage from Revolving Carbine, it can still make a huge difference especially if you’re trying to save your gear’s durability while roaming around red zones.

I personally haven’t used this weapon yet, but I can tell that it can save someone the hassle of fending outlaws and animals that lurk around red zones, especially when the enemies that you encounter have a tough defense. If you want to clear out a group of outlaws hanging around locations such as Chromite mine, where they are huddled up, then this is your best bet to make their health bar half in one shot.


Damage: 1054

Attack Speed: 100

Range: 6

Durability: 330


4x Larch Board, 2x Steel Rivet, 2x Alloy Plate, 4x Nickel-Plated Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Red zone

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

1. Trench Gun 

The reigning champion of the West, Trench Gun

AKA the Piasa sweeper

Currently the most powerful weapon in the game, dethroning Winchester Model 1892 after years. A Tier 5 weapon, like every rare blueprint, has a special effect that is 10% chance of critical strike and it is only at blueprint level 1. Though it is only a bit higher in terms of damage compared to the Winchester Model, its crit is something to consider.

Crafting a Trench Gun can be a bit tricky, as it requires almost a handful of tier 5 materials, especially if you’re just also starting to roam around red zones. And its blueprints are hard to obtain, with some even buying it directly from the in-game store just to unlock this weapon. But don’t worry, if you manage to obtain one, the best way to utilize its durability is by using it only for higher levels at the Canyon Trials.


Damage: 1078

Attack Speed: 80

Range: 3.5

Durability: 330


3x Larch Board, 2x Alloy Plate, 3x Steel Rivet, 3x Nickel-Plated Parts

Visit the Gunsmith in Town (10x Dried Fish)


Red zone

Canyon Trials

Random Events

Outlaw Outposts

And that is it! Hopefully this article has given you some insight on some of the best weapons that are efficient both for new and old players.

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