[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Players In The World Right Now (2022)

A nintendo sponsored Smash Bros Tournament
11 Dec 2023

The Super Smash Brothers Ultimate competitive scene is filled with unbridled talent and aspiring players looking to make a name for themselves by besting their opponents. Now, you could go comb through eons worth of footage from fifty different youtube channels, eight websites and your uncle’s basement, or you could look at this handy list for our Top 10 Best Smash Ultimate Players in the World Right now for 2022.

10: David Leon, A.K.A. LeoN

Leon, the bowser main, one of the best players in the world

A recent up and coming pro, Leon, who is definitely not French

To start the list we have a relatively new name on the scene LeoN (not to be confused with Leon from France, or Leon from resident evil, or Leon my friend who I still owe $20) is the world’s best Bowser player, hailing from New Jersey where he is ranked consistently in the top 2 of the region despite the insane amount of competition in the region. Currently signed with SpaceStation Gaming, he’s rising up in both popularity and ranking in the competitive scene.

LeoN is quite literally the Number One Bowser in the World, a title he absolutely deserves. Using Bowser, he’s totally dominated multiple pros in matchups Bowser should theoretically lose. However, thanks to his prowess as the world’s greatest Bowser main, he’s shown just how good a heavy, combo-food, powerhouse character can be if given a chance.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Summer Smash, 1st place, $708
  • Momentous, 2nd place, No Earnings posted (you’re gonna see this a lot)
  • Oasis, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Battle for the East, 3rd place, $400
  • 2GG: Run It Back, 1st place, No earnings posted 

LeoN’s Highlights:

LeoN’s twitter: @DLeon420

9: Tyler Martins, A.K.A. Marss

Marss rejoicing after beating MKLeo in a massive tournament

Marss is quite the celebratory man who can hype a crowd up

Previously a pro Smash 4 player, Marss is currently signed with Panda Global as one of their leading Smash Ultimate pros. While you might think he’s low on this list, you could argue at any given time any player outside of the top three could be substituted for another’s position. Though he may be one of the leading Ultimate singles players, Marss and Light are currently considered the best ultimate doubles players in the world, an arguably more high-octane edition of Smash bros. 

Marss is one of those players who has clearly defined himself as the best Zero Suit Samus in the world. ZSS plays perfectly into Marss’ playstyle, with lightning quick options, insane mix-ups and almost no legitimate disadvantage, it seems like Marss’ is playing on another level, which he truly is. Starting with LeoN and continuing with Marss, you’ll see a pattern of players who define what is possible both in the game and with certain characters. 

Major tournament achievements:

  • Low Tide City 2021, 3rd place, No Earnings posted
  • Glitch 8.5 - Konami Code, 7th place, No Earnings posted
  • Smash Ultimate Summit 3, 4th place, $15,913.20 earned 
  • Genesis 7, 1st place, $8,226.40 earned
  • Mainstage, 3rd place, No Earnings posted
  • CEO 2019, 2nd place, $2,328.00 earned

Marss’ Highlights:

Marss’ twitter: @Marss_NE

8: Michael Kim, A.K.A. Riddles

Riddles knocks into the 8th position

Riddles always has some of the best looking photos, especially for a relatively young player

Riddles is one of many primarily FGC players (Ken, Ryu, Terry and Kazuya mains) hailing from Canada, specifically Toronto, Ontario. Riddles has proven himself to be the best of the best,Currently seeing an unprecedented amount of success with Kazuya. As he continues to practice with the character, Riddles grows in his prowess, showing this by taking multiple sets off of pros due to his incredible mind games,unchallenged knowledge and skill with his characters.

As the current best Fighting Game Character player in the North American competitive scene and possibly the world, Riddles carries the weight of thousands of players on his shoulders. His best character currently is a toss-up between Kazuya and Terry, as he has been labbing and practicing both characters to their absolute max, however Riddles has treated these characters like previous ones. With his analytical mind and fast-paced, reactionary gameplay, Riddles forces opponents to play his game and constantly forms all new perspectives on match-ups and characters alike.

Major tournament achievements:

  • SWT: NA East Ultimate Regional Finals, 2nd place, No Earnings posted
  • Homecoming: See Me Offline, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Smash Ultimate Summit 3, 9th place, $3,182.64 earned
  • The Comeback, 4th place, No Earnings posted
  • Float, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Ultimate at the Cave, 2nd place, No Earnings posted

Riddles’ Highlights:

Riddles’ twitter: @Riddlesmk

7: William Belaid, A.K.A. Glutonny

Europe's Best player makes his way to number 7

Being the best player in Europe means you get plenty of good shots

Currently considered the best Smash Ultimate player in all of Europe, Glutonny has been representing Wario since his beginnings in Brawl and has seen great success,roving that France is still a powerful region for Smash. Glutonny has been a Smash prodigy since the very start where he began his career as a Wario main, and has grown to the point where he is currently signed on with Solary as their first Smash Bros ESports player.

Glutonny is now one of few Warios you’ll see get near the top of Super-Major tournaments. His knowledge of matchups and combos is unrivaled, with an amazing punish game, he’s overall one of the most well-rounded players in my opinion. With the ability to analyze a situation and always find the best route to take, as well as having mastered every single aspect of his character, Glutonny is a wafting force of nature, capable of obliterating pros with one good string.

Major tournament achievements:

  • CEO 2021, 2nd place, No Earnings posted
  • VCA 2021, 2nd place, No Earnings posted
  • Wanted X Zevent, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • SWT: Europe Ultimate Regional Finals, 1st place, $1,600.00 earned
  • Temple: Hermés Edition, 2nd place, No Earnings posted
  • EVO 2019, 3rd place, $3,534.00 earned

Glutonny’s Highlights:

Glutonny’s twitter: GlutonnySSB

6: Chris Boston A.K.A. WaDi

Wadi, recently signed with Panda Global, comes in sixth

while not showing up to too many major tournaments due to the negative community, WaDi has solidified his skill as a pro

Coming from Virginia, WaDi, formerly known as WaDiRob, is a veteran Smash 4 player who has found great success in Smash Ultimate. Currently known as the best Mewtwo in the world as well as one of the best R.O.B. players in the world (next to Zackray), he’s defeated dozens of pros using his incredibly patient playstyle. While WaDi has floated around quite a few ESports organizations, he is currently signed onto Panda Global’s roster for the time being, so expect more from this  player in coming tournaments.

WaDi is quite possibly the best zoner/close-quarters hybrid player in the world. With his three best characters being Mewtwo, R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer, he has redefined the meta quite often, showing that, if you put your mind to it, any character can be great. His gameplay is often slow and methodical to start, but once WaDi gets going, nothing will stop him, especially not his opponent’s pathetic attempts to get out of his clutches.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Thunder Smash, 4th place, $1,260.00 earned
  • CEO 2019, 7th place, $232.80 earned
  • Ultimate at the Cave, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Smash Ultimate Summit 3 (VIP Bracket), 1st place, No Earnings posted 

WaDi’s Highlights:

WaDi’s twitter: @WaDiRob

5: Eric Lew A.K.A. ESAM

Esam posing before the audience after beating MKLeo

Esam, a virtual information board of frame data, probably gets his intelligence from being bald

Considered to be one of the best players in almost every entry in the Smash franchise, ESAM has made a name for himself through his in-depth knowledge of each and every game that rivals even Mew2King himself. Eric got his player tag as a Samus main in Melee and so E+Sam because melee decided to make a short naming system for an equally short development cycle. ESAM currently is one of the leading players in Smash Ultimate, constantly pushing the metagame and giving valuable information to pros and rookies alike.

Esam is the man to find for a mostly un-biased perspective on the game, as well as the best pikachu gameplay in the world. Esam has mastered the art of his character, with perfection blended into his combos and reads unlike any other, Esam has much to offer when it comes to the competitive scene, as well as in the casual scene, consistently offering unprecedented knowledge on more casual aspects of the game like the mii fighters and iterm gameplay.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Glitch 8.5 - Konami Code, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Ultimate Nimbus, 2nd place, No Earnings posted
  • Get On My Level 2019, 3rd place, $1,185.80 earned
  • Glitch 7 - Minus World, 1st place, $3,523.60 earned
  • Glitch 8 - Missingno, 3rd place, No Earnings posted
  • Genesis 7, 4th place, $1,336.79 earned

ESAM’s Highlights:

ESAM’s twitter: @imESAM

4: Kolawole Aidyen, A.K.A. Kola

Kola, recently rising up in popularity. lands in number 4

A recent upriser in the Smash Scene, Kola has been seeing success on success in many recent tournaments

Coming in at number 4 is one of the power region’s best players, Kola, otherwise known as Salt One or PIKKAPIZZA07. Currently the best Roy player in the world, capable of overtaking even the number one player in the world. He also is one of few to be on the latest ESports team to join Smash Ultimate, Moist Esports, and many look forward to seeing his career blossom as he continues to rise up the leaderboards.

Being the winner of CEO 2021, Kola has solidified his spot as one of the best players in the world, beating even the number one player in the world to become the champion of CEO. Kola is the Roy main. If you want to do anything with Roy, you better know that Kola will just do it better. His strategic ability as well as knowledge of his character and the game allow him to take on literally any opponent and usually win.

Major tournament achievements:

  • CEO 2021, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Glitch 8.5 - Konami Code, 3rd place, No Earnings posted
  • Typhoon Saga 2021, 1st place, No Earnings Posted
  • Final Round 2019, 1st place, No Earnings posted
  • Dare 2 Dair, 1st place, No Earnings posted

Kola’s Highlights:

Kola’s twitter: @Kola_irl

3: Gavin Dempsey, A.K.A. Tweek

long-time pro player Tweek stays in the number 3 spot

Long-time smash player Tweek has continued to see success due to his great amount of practice and knowledge

Bringing it home into the top three is the DK duo player himself, Tweek. While many may underestimate the skill of this player (who is again from New Jersey), he has proven himself time and time again to be one of the best players this game has ever seen. Considering that any time he so much as touches a character for more than 2 matches he can become the best at the character, Tweek has carried his skill from being the best Bayonetta in the world in Smash 4 and continues to amaze with his pushing of the Smash metagame and his constant real estate exchanges in the minds of his enemies.

Tweek has been one of the best players in the world for the entirety of Ultimate’s current lifetime, with experience in Project M[REDACTED] and Melee as well. As of recently, Tweek has begun co-maining Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong, being the best Diddy Kong in the world and trying to become the best DK in the world. ESAM even noted that Diddy Kong really shouldn’t be as powerful as Tweek makes him look, but because the character plays so well into Tweek’s punish game, amazing knowledge and skill for combos, Tweek is a player you may never want to see in the same bracket as you.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Smash Ultimate Summit 3, 1st place, $47,739.60 earned
  • Port Priority 6, 3rd place, No Earnings Posted
  • Mainstage 2021, 5th place, No Earnings Posted
  • Frostbite 2020, 3rd place, No Earnings Posted
  • Get On My LEvel 2019, 1st place, $3,388.00 earned
  • Frostbite 2019, 1st place, $4,956.00 earned
  • Glitch 6, 1st place, $2,530 earned
  • The Comeback, 1st place, No Earnings Posted

Tweek’s Highlights:

Tweek’s twitter: @TweekSsb

2: Edgar Valdez, A.K.A. Sparg0

Sparg0 Shaking hands with another pro player as he solidifies his position as the second best player

Though young, Sparg0 still has solidfied himself as the second best player in Smash Ultimate

Our second place player comes from Tijuana, Mexico, and he is Sparg0. Sparg0, or Edgar Valdez, is one the youngest players in the current top 10 ranked players in the world, starting his pro career at just 13 when he started proving he could beat the pros of Smash 4. While his career is still young, Sparg0 has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with, striking fear into any opponent who sees his name in their bracket. 

Sparg0 is the Smash Prodigy, being not one of the best players in the world, but the second best player as a 16-year-old gives him the right to such a title. With his incredible skill with Cloud and Pyra/Mythra, somehow being able to interchange the two and swap his playstyle along with the characters, Sparg0 has solidified himself as a force to be reckoned with, taking games and sets off many pro players, including the number one player on this list.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Mainstage 2021, 2nd place, No earnings posted
  • Port Priority 6, 2nd place, No earnings posted
  • Super Smash Con: Fall Fest, 2nd place, No earnings posted
  • Smash Ultimate Summit 3, 3rd place, $19,095.84 earnings
  • Frame Perfect Series 6: ONLINE, 1st place, No earnings posted
  • Smash ALzheimer’s, 2nd place, $500 earnings
  • Get On My Line 2021 NA, 1st place, $1000 Prize Pool (earnings not publicly available)

Sparg0’s Highlights:

Sparg0’s twitter: @Sparg0ssb

1: LeoNardo Lopez Perez, A.K.A. MkLeo

The best player in the world, MKLeo

The. Best. Player.

Finally, we reach the Ultimate Ultimate player, with Ultimate skill, Ultimate power and probably the Ultimate cooking. MkLeo has defeated countless pros and solidified himself as the best player in all of Smash Ultimate, and was also ranked as the best player in Smash for Wii U back in early 2018. Like Sparg0 he too hails from Mexico, proving the power of the players from the region. 

MkLeo is the best of the best, literally. As the Best Pro Smash Ultimate Player in the World he boasts incredible skill with many characters, including Byleth, Greninja and Joker. Due to this insane amount of knowledge and skill, many pros will have to explain that a certain character isn’t as good as you think, it’s just that MkLeo is playing them. To have such an effect on the game that you can make a character literally become better by playing them is quite the feat.

Major tournament achievements:

  • Genesis 6, 1st place, $8,420.00 earned
  • Frostbite 2019, 2nd place, $2,478.00 earned
  • Smash Ultimate Summit, 1st place, $18,171.00 earned
  • Smash ‘N’ Splash 5, 1st place, Earnings not posted
  • CEO 2019, 1st place,  $5,820.00 earned
  • EVO 2019, 1st place, $21,204.00 earned
  • Super Smash Con 2019, 1st place, $12,186.00 earned
  • Smash Ultimate Summit 2, 1st place, $17,654.00 earned
  • Genesis 7, 2nd place, $5,141.50 earned
  • Frostbite 2020, 1st place, No Earnings Posted
  • Mainstage 2021, 1st place, No Earnings Posted
  • Port Priority 6, 1st place, No Earnings Posted
  • Glitch 8.5 - Konami Code, 2nd place, No Earnings Posted
  • Total current winnings = ~$150,279.50

MkLeo’s Highlights:

MkLeo’s twitter: @Mkleosb

Honorable mentions:

  • Elegant: Elegant is a player noted by many to be one of the most skilled players to grace the competitive scene. The only problem? He plays a character that is basically a living coin toss, said character being luigi. ESAM noted that Elegant would have far more luck in the competitive scene if he were to put his strategic mind to use on a “better” character, but Elegant has shown time and time again he can beat pros with a “worse” character.
  • Fatality: Fatality is widely considered the best Captain Falcon in the world, always practicing and trying out new techniques for the character. And while he does have incredible skill with Captain Falcon, seeing high levels of success against some pro players and often reaching top 128, 64 and sometimes top 16 at tournaments, currently his tournament stats just aren’t enough to land a spot in the top 10, but maybe that will change sometime soon.
  • Peanut: Not many people can even dream to achieve what Peanut has. Playing what is widely considered one of the worst characters in the game and semi-consistently winning. While just playing little mac sticks Peanut at a constant disadvantage to almost every character, his mind games and reaction time are showing that any character could be viable.

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