[Top 5] Path of Exile Best Juggernaut Builds That Wreck Hard! (3.20.2)

Path of Exile Best Juggernaut Builds
11 Dec 2023

5 – Summon Reaper

While a very unconventional summoner, the Juggernaut is known for being a great carrier of solo Minion builds, like Herald of Agony/Purity, and it’s no surprise it can also do well with Reaper, the ‘waifu’ of Wraeclast.

What Summon Reaper Excels in:

  • Surprisingly quick Clearing with Asenath’s
  • Great single target damage
  • Off-meta and thus cheaper than average.
  • Unique playstyle
  • Insanely Tanky

Pick Summon Reaper if you Like:

  • Having a buddy to clear your maps for you
  • Living out your ‘waifu’ fantasies
  • Commanding an army of one evil ‘mfer’

Summon Reaper full details:

  • As with all minions, increasing the gem level is the best way to scale its damage. There are several ways of doing that, but one of the best, combined with the perks of a Replica Maloney’s Mechanism, is through the use of a Synth Bow.
  • You can craft it relatively quickly. The hardest part is acquiring the base, as those can go over 20 divines, easily. You then spam faceted fossils, until you hit +1 Strength or +1 Intelligence gems, with open prefixes. You do some mumbo jumbo, and you can reach a +6 Bow, which means, with an Empower 4 (5 if you’re rich), you can reach a level 31 Summon Reaper easily.
  • You’ll also need to make sure you cap your minion’s bleeding chance, as that’s the source of your Reaper’s damage. And because we use a bow, we can abuse the borderline broken mechanic that is Ensnaring Arrow, to maximize our bleed dps.

For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/cashback/GraveWrought?time-machine=week-3&i=3&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DJuggernaut%26skill%3DSummon-Reaper%26sort%3Ddps

4 – Accuracy Stacking Lightning Strike

There was no way to go about with a Juggernaut and not mention Accuracy Stacking. The only class capable of such, with as much damage as it can have, able to demolish anything and everything while also using the strongest melee skill in the game and abusing the Nightblade mechanic, which hasn’t been nerfed at all? Though Lightning Strike itself was nerfed, it’s still insanely strong as it ever was for single target.

What Accuracy Stacking Lightning Strike Excels in:

  • Fabulous Clearing (even after the nerfs)
  • Insane single-target damage when everything’s up
  • Unique Playstyle

Pick Accuracy Stacking Lighting Strike if you Like:

  • Playing with Stacking Mechanics
  • Using the most unusual sort of items and almost fully unique items
  • Synergistic mechanics

Accuracy Stacking Lighting Strike full details:

  • This build uses Doryani’s Prototype which is how we get as much damage as we can, and we can negate most of the negatives by simply being a Juggernaut and getting insane amounts of armor. We also use Obscurantis, as that’s another way of scaling our LS damage, but also it grants a massive chunk of Accuracy, which scales both our flat damage and attack speed, through Undeniable. You’ll also definitely want the LS Enchant, +2 Projectiles, as after the nerfs, you need to invest into the clearing part of LS.
  • Stormrider Boots are Ritual Exclusive items that grant damage based on the amount of accuracy we have. And since we’re stacking accuracy, we can get a LOT of damage from these pairs of boots. Beyond that, you’ll want resistances, Onslaught, and as much Life as possible.
  • And for weapons, you’ll want to dual-wield Replica Last Resorts. This is a big source of damage as well as accuracy. Since we have a ton of flat damage from our boots, and the enemies have essentially negative Lightning resistance, the most we lack is attack speed and % Increased Damage. But dual-wielding Replica Last Resort means that we not only get 400% Increased damage but also 200% increased Accuracy and 50% Attack speed (global). All at the cost of having to be low life. Which we are, with Petrified Blood.

For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/maxudik1/Pivokinesisssss?time-machine=week-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DJuggernaut%26skill%3DLightning-Strike%26sort%3Ddps

3 – Venom Gyre Accuracy Stacking

In a similar, but different fashion, to the Lightning Strike, this one uses a Squire to achieve its damage, and though it isn’t as strong as the last one, it is much tankier and a lot less likely to die randomly, being a much more well-rounded build.

What Venom Gyre Accuracy Stacking Excels in:

  • Superb Clearing
  • Respectable single target
  • Extremely tanky

Pick Venom Gyre Accuracy Stacking if you Like:

  • Attribute Stacking
  • Zooming like the Flash
  • Scaling your damage through unconventional means.

Venom Gyre Accuracy Stacking full details:

  • This variant uses The Squire to have an alternative 9Link, as well as scaling as much accuracy as possible through some intelligent use of Precursor Emblems and Simplex Amulets
  • It is also a currency sink regarding jewels, as it will use over 10 of them, even 3 Transcendent Spirit, to scale as much Flat Accuracy, reaching over 45k Accuracy!
  • Of course, you’ll need Stormrider Boots, Obscurantis and Oskarm gloves, as those are the best accuracy stacking uniques in the game, since they give you % Proj damage, Flat Lightning Damage, and % Attack Crit Damage, all based on our accuracy.

For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/turdtwisterx/FAT_FOREHEADED_FUCKFACE?time-machine=week-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DJuggernaut%26skill%3DVenom-Gyre%26sort%3Ddps

2 – Righteous Fire/ Fire Trap

After the nerfs to Inquisitor, though still a strong choice for RF, Juggernaut gained massive popularity thanks to Pohx, especially if you enjoy being immortal and still killing enemies by attrition, this build is for you!

What the RF/Fire Trap Jugg Excels in:

  • Safe Bossing
  • Insanely Tanky
  • Can clear quite quickly with Maven Boots
  • League Starter, HC, SSF Viable

Pick Righteous Fire/Fire Trap if you Like:

  • Cruise through maps without a care in the world, and nothing hurt you
  • Ignore all downsides and survivability issues most people suffer with degens and ground dots
  • Clear as quickly as you Shield Charge, with everything exploding around you.

RF/Fire Trap full details:

  • RF works by dealing damage based on our ES and Life pool. We scale as much HP as possible to increase the base value, which in turn gets increased by our supports. We aim to use a Pseudo 6/7-Link helmet, with Concentrated AoE, Burning Damage, and 30% more elemental multiplier from Essence of Horror. Which is absurdly expensive to craft, but it’s BiS.
  • Our defenses come from Brass Dome, which grants us a whopping 5% max all res, scaling max res in the passive tree as well as using a Saffel’s for another +4%, to reach 88% max fire res and 87% cold and lightning resistance.
  • As a secondary source of damage, we use Fire Trap. You can either slot it in the 6L Brass Dome (look for good corruptions, like +2 Duration or +1 all), or in the helmet, with the Pseudo 6~7 Link.

For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/OG_IMMORTAL/OG_RF?time-machine=week-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DJuggernaut%26skill%3DRighteous-Fire%26sort%3Ddps

1 – Boneshatter Juggernaut

One of the last bastions of “true melee”, Boneshatter is a fairly notorious skill for the previous abuse cases with duration, immortality, and Mantra of Flames stacking indefinitely. Though most of it got removed or tuned down, the skill remains a staple for STRONK melee satisfaction that is sorely lacking in PoE nowadays.

What Boneshatter Excels in:

  • Unbelievably tanky
  • Ridiculously high damage, for a melee, chonky character
  • Respectable clearing, though click intense
  • True melee

Pick Boneshatter if you Like:

  • Going back to the true Melee Roots
  • Hit and stun enemies on the head multiple times, traumatizing them, and yourself
  • Self-damaging builds that deal more damage the more they hurt themselves.

Boneshatter full details:

  • The way Boneshatter works is that it gets increasingly more damage based on your Trauma Stacks. And with Divergent Boneshatter, you also gain 1% attack speed per Trauma. Which then gets scaled by Ashes of the Stars, doubling that effect. And when you can easily reach over 200 stacks of Trauma, this is a massive amount of damage.
  • It doesn’t come without a cost, though, and it’s why almost entirely, Boneshatter builds are relegated to being Juggernauts, with a few exceptions. For each Trauma stack you have, you take increasingly more damage from them, reaching over 300 Trauma damage per Trauma each time you gain a Trauma Stack (meaning, when you attack).
  • As such, you need insane levels of Physical damage mitigation, through armor and generic PDR, or even Transcendence. And that’s why Jugg is so great at dealing with that because it is by far the tankiest class in the game for Physical damage.

For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Tenyasha1/Gopstoper?time-machine=week-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DJuggernaut%26skill%3DBoneshatter%26sort%3Ddps

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