[Top 10] GTA Online Best Early Investments

11 Dec 2023

Today we talk about the top 10 best early investments for GTA online. Investments are important because they let you be prepared for late game. Take for example planting seeds, each one you plant will be a tree one day. 

Every investment you make in GTA online brings you one step closer to that empire you've been waiting for. It's also a smart move if you plan on being a long term player. 


10. High End Apartment 

The thing every GTA wants to get. Having one of these is like having a mansion in real life.

The high end apartment lets you have access to the first round of heist in the game. This is a good investment for players since each heist will make back the money you lost. It's a win win.

  • Try buying one preferably in close to the airport
  • Buy one that doesn't have high player traffic.(less problems that way)


9. Sticky bombs

When you need something blown up discreetly? The sticky bombs are the way. 

Sticky bombs can be bought at any gun store. They have a decent blast radius plus in most cases it's stronger than the rpg. This is really beneficial to have early in the game. The reason it's such a good investment is because they cost little and you can buy 20 of them at once. 

  • Always max out your bombs just Incase.
  • It's better to place them on the ground near vehicles instead of on them. Why? That's because they won't see it coming.

8. Office Space 

The HQ of all your corporate operations. The office in GTA online lets you have access to a bunch of missions and other accessories.

In my opinion the office is great for players who want to skip buying an apartment. You get a bed, a gun locker, an assistant and the ability to be a CEO. This is a Great investment! I say this  because most of your money will be coming from the missions here alone. Such as the vehicle selling.

  • Use your assistant to get your impounded vehicles. 
  • Do the headhunter and sightseer missions from your CEO interaction menu. 

7. The Arcade 

Ever wanted to play games from back in the day but need a fresh twist on it? Well the arcade business is for you.

The Arcade is useful because it gives you access to the casino heist. Also with the arcade you also have access to the casino heist! Along with that you get to stock and sell products. It's one of the cheaper Investments if you're a new player. 

  • To make the most of the arcade, do all 20 missions that come with it to fill up your wall safely. The wall safe restocks every game day. 

6. Picking The Right Career Path

These career paths were a part of the update that let all players choose a path out of 4 players. 

In my opinion my career paths are a good fit for new players who want a head start in the game. You get $1 million dollars, your own business and a car of your choice. 

  • Use the executive path if you're looking to make the most money.
  • Use the gunrunner path as they are the best ones. 

5. Any MK2 Assault Rifle 

The rifle that ends all gun fights. The MK2 rifle is a power house in the assault rifle category. This is the weapon of choice for early game players.

In my opinion the gun has decent range and accuracy. When going up against other players it takes 3 hits to the body. This is a good investment since it can be obtained at a low level. 

  • Get the advanced scope with any variant.
  • Get extended mags and make sure you have 3000 for your ammo capacity. 

4. Gaining a Cargobob 

Though it out-dated the cargobob holds a lot of merit. This is the vehicle you want to use if you ever need to grab stuff.

In my opinion this is still one of the best travel vehicles. This is because it can hold 6 people and a sub if need be. Also it's cheap to buy and can be acquired at a low level. 

  • Buy one from the warstock website instead of stealing one.
  • If you want to travel with over the max of players, Use a sub or car and have your friends get in. 

3. Buying a Garage 

Though this is an unlikely choice, the garage is still a good investment. 

In my opinion the Garage is still useful when it comes to holding cars and other vehicles. It's a great investment early game since you won't be able to buy an apartment anytime soon.

  • Getting a 50 car garage is one of the best investments you can make. This way even if you buy a bunker later on you still have all that space. 

2. The Supercars 

Super cars are the key for races. If you can buy one of these early game it will work out later on.

In my opinion getting a supercar early on  is a good investment. The reason for this is that  it doesn't cost much. What makes it a great investment is that you can do races until you have enough for one of the other things mentioned on this list. 

  • Put the street brakes on.
  • Having race tires and a roll cage. 


1. Obtaining The Cayo Perico Heist 


The heist that takes the cake! The Cayo heist is the best mission in the game currently for making money.

In my opinion the heist is easy and has tons of variety to it. If you do it correctly it will only take one hour in total. What makes it a good investment is how much money you can make off it. it is still the best mission when it comes to making money.

  • Use 4 players to finish this as fast as possible. 
  • If running solo make sure to have at least $75 thousand in total to cover the set ups. 
  • If you buy a shark car and pick a career path you can buy the sub early on and do this. You can make $1 million if you do it right. 


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