[Top 10] Ghost of Tsushima Best Builds

There are different builds available for different types of gameplay in Ghost of Tsushima
11 Dec 2023

Ghost of Tsushima, as an action/adventure game, offers players a variety of ways to kick ass. You could focus on a combat-driven playstyle and burn down every Mongol camp in your path of destruction. You can also slink through the dark and assassinate your enemies like the angel of death you are. You could even dispatch your enemies with long-ranged weapons moving faster than a speeding bullet. Regardless of which playstyle you fancy, the game provides an ample number of  Armor sets, charms, weapons, etc to make sure you get the best build that matches your playthrough. Today I’m going to be talking about the 10 best builds in Ghost of Tsushima. 


1. Offensive Build: 

Best offensive build in the Ghost of Tsushima

If you love taking on every Mongol you encounter like a  raging bull, then this build is great for you. The offensive build focuses on combat superiority, giving you the boosts you need to mow down wave after wave of Mongolian hordes. This build is achieved by combining the Dual Destruction and the Fortune charm, along with an armor forged for combat like  Gosaku’s Armor. Utilizing the damage boosts of these charms and the staggering damage of the Gosaku armor, this build will leave you feeling like a war machine in no time.

What Offensive Build Excels in:

  • Combat focused playthroughs
  • Taking on Mongol hordes
  • Quick clearing of Mongol Camps
  • Inflicting stagger damage on enemies

Offensive Build Details:

  • Charm of Dual Destruction
  • Charm of Fortune
  • Gosaku’s Armor.

2. Armored Tank Build:

Use the Unstoppable Tank Build to bully those pesky Mongols into submission

Next up is the Armored Tank Build and this combination of charms and armor turns you into a literal tank. With iron-clad armor and a charm to boost your defense stats, strolling into and clearing out Mongol camps will seem like a walk in the park. The Samurai Armor which you receive in Act 1 from Lady Masako is perfect for this build. Fully upgraded, it provides incredible protection through your many skirmishes. Mix that with defensive charms like the Charm of Resistance and the Charm of Vitality, then you become nearly indestructible.

What the Armored Tank Build Excels in

  • It gives you a major health boost which is great for combat.
  • The health boost it gives will help you win long, grueling fights.
  • It also provides a moderate offense/melee boost to give you a fighting chance.

Armored Tank Build Details:

  • Charm of Resistance
  • Charm of Vitality
  • Samurai Armor.

3. Ghost Weapons Build

Become a Ghost weapon expert with the Ghost Build

Do you love taking down enemies with  Kunais, Smoke bombs, Windchimes, and other ghost weapons like a true shinobi? Then this build is perfect for you. You can easily use this build by equipping the Hidden Blades Charm, as well as the Charm of Advantage and the Charm of Inari’s Might which boosts the stats of your ghost weapons to ridiculous levels. Add the Kensei Armor to the mix, which can increase ghost weapon damage by up to thirty percent, and decrease enemy damage by up to fifty percent when struck with a ghost weapon, then you’re ready to take down enemies without even drawing your katana.

What Ghost Weapons Build Excels in: 

  • Taking down enemies using only Ghost weapons 
  • Clearing out Mongol camps in a fast and exciting manner
  • Fantastic for stealthy playthroughs

Details of Ghost Weapons Build:

  • Charm of Hidden Blades
  • Charm of Advantage
  • Charm of Inari’s Might
  • Kensei Armor
  • Upgrading all the Ghost weapons.

4.  Archery Build:

  How to equip and use the Archery Build

Ranged Weapons, such as the half-bow and the longbow are great for taking down enemies from absurd distances. But to truly feel like an archery god in your playthrough you need to combine the following. First, find and equip the Tadayori Armor which can increase your nocking and reloading speed to 45 percent and increase your total concentration time to 3 seconds. Your headshots will also increase your concentration time by 50 percent. Then equip and upgrade ranged charms such as the Charm of Efficiency, Swift Return, Precision, and Yuriko’s keepsake, which boosts all your archery stats.

What Archery Build Excels in:

  • Taking down enemies from a ridiculously long distance
  • Infinite concentration-time through quick headshots
  • Killing archers on the towers of Mongol camps

Archery Build Details:

  • Charm of Efficiency
  • Charm of Swift return
  • Charm of Precision
  • Yuriko’s keepsake
  • Tadayori Armor

5 The Terror Build

The Terror Build guide

During combat in Ghost of Tsushima, nothing is as sweet as striking terror into the hearts of your enemies and watching them flee from you as you move in for the kill like the vengeful spirit you are. Well, this build does just that. By combining the Ghost Armor, which gives a thirty percent chance to terrify enemies who witness you kill their comrades, the Charm of Ikazuchi-no-Kami, and the Heavenly Strike, you can break the enemy’s will to fight with each Mongol you cut down, sending them running for the hills.

What the Terror Build Excels in

  • Terrifying enemies during combat
  • Giving you the chance to easily kill your enemies without even crossing blades with them
  • Refilling your resolve slots with each terrified enemy killed
  • Taking on Mongol hordes.

The Terror Build Details:

  • Ghost Armor
  • Charm of Ikazuchi-no-Kami
  • Upgrading Samurai Techniques
  • Unlock and use the heavenly strike skill by completing the heavenly strike mythic tale.

6. Fire Lord Build

Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies with the terrifying Fire Build

The Ghost of Tsushima offers an array of fire-themed weapons allowing you to burn down every resistance in your path as you fight to liberate Tsushima Island. The Fire lord build is  handy for terrifying the enemy by killing their comrades or setting them ablaze. This build can be achieved by equipping the Charm of Ikazuchi-no-Kami, Charms of Fire Doctrine, and Charms of Fortune I & II. Then most importantly, learning the way of the flame technique by completing the 'Undying Flame' mythic quest. This technique allows you to set your sword aflame before a fight and torch your enemies with each swing of your Katana. Finally, use flaming arrows with the half-bow to rain down fire on your enemies.

What the Fire Lord Build Excels in:

  • Dealing fire and melee damage on your opponents
  • Terrifying your enemies for an easy kill
  • Quickly clearing Mongol hordes with fiery attacks.

Details of the Fire Lord Build:

  • Charms of Fire Doctrine
  • Charms of Fortune I and II
  • Charms of Ikazuchi-no-Kami
  • Flaming arrows
  • The Way of the flame technique

7. Sakai Clan Armor Build:


How to equip and use the Sakai Clan Armor Build

If you’re the type that loves charging into Mongol camps and taking on swarms of Mongol Warriors at a go, then you will love this build. To use this build, you have to first get the Sakai Clan Armor from Act Two and upgrade it so that your standoff streak is at its max (5 people). Then equip the Charm of Ikazuchi-no-Kami for the terror bonus, as well as Charms of Amaterasu, Well-Being, and Resolve, which gives you enough health and resolve to clear camps in a matter of seconds. 

What the Sakai Clan Armor Build Excels in:

  • Clearing out enemy camps at record speed
  • Taking down an absurd number of enemies through standoff streaks
  • Taking out a moderate number of terrified enemies who witness your kills

8. Stealth Assassin Build


  Stealth Assassin Build guide

The Stealth Assassin is the perfect build for moving through the shadows and slicing the throat of your enemies without being detected. If you are a disciple of stealthy gameplay, then this build is a must-have for you. All you have to do is equip and upgrade the Ronin armor, which drastically reduces enemy detection speed, and then combine that with the Charm of Silence, because of its decrease to enemy detection speed. You can also add the Charm of Toxic Demise to make wind chimes release poisoned gas and the Charm of Tsukuyomi will make assassinated enemies drop more supplies.

What the Stealth Assassin Build Excels in:

  • Stealth-oriented playthroughs
  • Clearing Mongol Camps without being detected
  • Stocking supplies from assassinated enemies

Details of the Stealth Assassin Build:

  • Ronin Armor
  • Charm of Silence
  • Charm of Toxic Demise
  • Charm of Tsukuyomi

9. The Unbreakable Samurai Build:


  How to equip and use the Unbreakable Samurai Build

Staggering is a key aspect of the Ghost of Tsushima’s combat because it opens up an erstwhile guarded enemy to fatal attacks from Jin. By combining the right charms and techniques you can boost your chances of staggering each enemy you cross blades with, making you an absolute beast on the battlefield. This build comprises of Gosaku’s Armor, which gives you a massive stagger boost and replenishes your health when you cut down staggered foes and a host of Charms such as the Charm of Amaterasu, which rewards you with loads of health for staggered kills, the Charms of  Bludgeoning, Shinatsuhiko, and Susanoo, which all boost your chances of staggering and killing your enemy.

What the Unbreakable Samurai  Build Excels in:

  • Staggering enemies and leaving them open to fatal attacks.
  • Taking on multiple Mongol Warriors at once.
  • Dealing massive amounts of damage to your enemies in combat.

Details of the Unbreakable Samurai  Build:

  • Gosaku’s Armor
  • Charm of Amaterasu
  • Charm of Bludgeoning
  • Charm of Shinatsuhiko
  • Charm of Susanoo
  • Upgrading Samurai Techniques

10. True Warrior Build :

True Samurai Build Guide

If your reason for playing the Ghost of Tsushima is to gain the ultimate Samurai experience as you duel and dismember innumerable sword-swinging enemies at one go, then this is the build for you. The True Warrior build mixes every boost and leverage you need to inflict massive damage on Mongols while replenishing enough health for a drawn-out fight. To use this build you have to equip the Ronin Attire which gives you an incredible 30 percent melee damage boost. Then add a number of charms that boosts Jin’s Melee damage and health points, such as the Charms of Inari's Might, Ferocity, Nigihayahi-no-Mikoto, Kagu-Tsuchi, and the Charm of Takemikazuchi, which allows the player to get increased melee damage with each kill. 

What the True Warrior Build Excels in:

  • Dealing massive melee damage on your enemies
  • Great health boosts to keep you going in a long fight
  •  It's the perfect build for camp clearing 
  • Great for amazing standoff streaks

True Warrior Build Details:

  • Charms of Inari’s Might
  • Charm of Ferocity
  • Charm of Nigihayahi-no-Mikoto
  • Charm of Kagu-Tsuchi
  • Charm of Takemikazuchi
  • Ronin Attire

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