[Top 5] Fallout 76 Best Archer Builds That Wreck Hard! Inbox

11 Dec 2023

5. Robin Hood 

If you enjoy getting into your build and are looking for an interesting story to feel fully invested in, why not be Robin Hood? You can use all the caps you loot from enemies to give to the poor lower-level vault dwellers. Help the peasants!

What The Robin Hood Excels In:

  • Increased energy and damage resistance the higher your caps
  • Damage increases as caps increases

Build Details

Perk Cards:

  • All Archer 
  • Bow Before Me
  • Cap Collector
  • Adrenaline 
  • Tenderizer 
  • Bloody Mess 
  • Barbarian 
  • White Knight 


  • Bow or crossbow with the aristocrat's legendary effect
  • 25% damage while aiming 


  • Light armor with Aristocrat legendary effect 
  • Robin Hood doesn't wear power armor!

4. Bloodied Archer

Low health builds have a reputation for dealing deadly damage and eating stimpaks. If you're strong enough you won't need to worry about health as long as you kill your enemy first.

What The Bloodied Combat Bowman Excels In:

  • Increase S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes 
  • High damage output 
  • Better buying/selling prices

Build Details 

Perk Cards:

  • All Archer
  • Nerd Rage
  • Radical 
  • Adrenaline 
  • Tenderizer
  • Demolition Expert 
  • Bow Before Me 


  • Bow with Bloodied effect 
  • Add the explosive mod for more area damage. 


  • Full Unyielding set of your preference 


3. Stealthy Bowman

Sneak attacking enemies is a resourceful way to clear your path with minimal effort and epic damage. They won't see you coming! Just be sure when you're sneaking to watch your back!

What Stealthy Bowman Excels In:

  • Sneak attack damage 
  • Stealth 

Build Details

  • Perk Cards
  • All Archer
  • Bow Before Me 
  • Adrenaline
  • Escape Artist 
  • Sneak 


  • Bow with Instigating
  • Two-Shot
  • 25% damage while aiming 


  • Shadowed 
  • Chinese 
  • Light
  • No power armor 
  • Chameleon 


2. Headshot Bow Build

Headshots are sometimes the most fun thing to do in games. The best way to accomplish that with a bow build is with this set up.

What The Head Shot Excels In:

  • Removing heads
  • Close range
  • Precise damage

Build Details

Perk Cards:

  • All Archer 
  • Concentrated fire (only one star)
  • Demolition Expert
  • Adrenaline 
  • Bloody Mess


  • Instigating or two-shot legendary effect with explosive mod


  • Your preference just make sure to check out mods to get the best armor possible 


1. Lone V.A.T.S Wanderer

V.A.T.S is a solid build on any ranged weapon. It helps using assisted aiming to quickly attack. Having a high AP means you can run a longer distance faster too. If you want to play on teams you can just switch Lone Wanderer for the Inspirational perk.

What A V.A.T.S Bowman Build Excels In:

  • Critical hits
  • Limb damage
  • AP Regeneration

Build Details

Perk Cards:

  • Action Boy
  • All Archer 
  • Lone Wanderer
  • Critical Savvy
  • Four Leaf Clover
  • White Knight
  • Better Criticals 


  • Bow with any mods you like, but be sure to mod it!
  • Look for one that fills the critical hit meter, uses less AP, or V.A.T.S critical hits do more damage.


  • Anything at all but
  • No
  • power
  • armor
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