[Top 25] Best Space Games With Fun Combat and Exploration

Best Space Games
11 Dec 2023

We’re gonna go into space and finally meet with Wheatley. Well, maybe we won’t until Valve finally makes Portal 3. Anyways, we’ll talk about futuristic games that take place in space - you can expect combat between spaceships and exploration of other planets and all that jazz. Let’s get into it:

25. The Outer Worlds

And there’s also combat - it’s awesome, you can acquire and improve weaponry, sometimes slow down the time and slay alien creatures with style. The game is awesome, maybe a little bit expensive, but for some, it will be surely worth the money!

24. Stellaris

I could talk and talk about this game, but it’s just too much to write about - try this game out for yourself, it’s incredibly addicting and you’ll love it!

23. STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

22. No Man’s Sky 

You also won’t get bored of it, the game randomly generates terrains of planets that you travel to - monsters included. Sick game, despite the drama it has left behind!

21. EVE Online

The game is massive - if you love politics in space, this game is totally for you! 

20. Space Engineers

The game is hard but very rewarding, graphics are dope and you’ll get hooked up on it - try it, it’s countless hours of fun and you’ll love it!

19. Oxygen Not Included

The game won’t shower you with kisses and rainbows in the beginning, but with experience, you’ll eventually learn to have a more comfortable life. Fun game!

18. Kerbal Space Program

17. Outer Wilds

New adventures await for you in this lovely game - you’ll fall in love with its fun gameplay and simple, but colorful graphics!

16. Dyson Sphere Program

The game has to offer awesome exploration and resource gathering from a countless list of planets, build your fabrics and fill your galactic empire with space goodies!

15. Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition

About the story - evil aliens are attacking humans, play as Commander Shepard or some other customized character and fight off spooky creatures. We’ll bang, okay? 

14. Surviving Mars

Also, the tutorial will most likely take you 5 hours - this game is not for casuals and it will take you a lifetime to master this game!

13. Elite Dangerous

Grinding and grinding in an unforgiving galactic, filled with bloodthirsty players that will gladly destroy you for very little gain or just sport. Lovely!


Besides fascinating exploration, you can also craft and drive vehicles, build awesome bases and have fun with your friends in this awesome multiplayer game. Try it out, it’s worth your time!

11. Warframe

Although this game is fun, it’s challenging for newer players, but not for long - there will eventually come a time where you’ll feel rewarded and satisfied!

10. FTL: Faster Than Light

Also, if you die once in this game, you start from scratch - but don’t worry too much about it, the game has massive replayability and you’ll get hooked on it for tens and tens of hours, maybe hundreds if you’re crazy enough!

9. Star Trek Online

Unless you get attacked by multiple ships at once. That’s why it’s a good idea to hang around with your buddies then going alone and getting bombarded with a long list of Sci-Fi cannons!

8. STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II

You might also play as a special character - for example, Darth Vader. You’ll be an OP powerhouse, capable of taking multiple hits at once and killing everything in sight. Awesome game!

7. Starbound

6. Empyrion - Galactic Survival

5. STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™

Besides complex combat and an enjoyable storyline, there’s also a lot of exploring to do - you’ll be visiting plenty of planets with different terrains, civilizations and life forms. If you’re a Star Wars geek, you have to try it!

4. Avorion

Drift in space, trade, harvest resources via mining, wage wars on others and spend countless hours in this fascinating game - it’s a must-try!

3. ENDLESS™ Space 2

2. Hardspace: Shipbreaker

The game also has to offer impressive physics - one wrong cut and you’re gonna get sucked out of the ship or electrocuted. It’s also pretty cheap on Steam!

1. Star Citizen

If you love piloting, this game is most definitely for you - there’s a steep learning curve for spaceship piloting in this game, but with enough patience and time, you’ll get a hang of it and wreck some kids while dogfighting. The graphics are also out of this world - they look incredible and the world itself feels infinite. This is a game that you just must buy!

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