[Top 15] Best Free Card Games for PC

Best Free Card Games PC
11 Dec 2023

Howdy fellers, have you ever grown tired of FPS/TPS games? I did plenty of times, after smashing my keyboard multiple times due to losing ranked games in CS:GO, I finally figured out it would be a great idea to switch to some more relaxing, F2P card games..

Oh boy, how wrong I was - playing hearthstone for over a year made me break my keyboard AND my desk, the countless times where I got screwed over by RNG and BS enemy topdecks. Anyways, let’s start with our first game:

15. Slay the Spire

The game has some fancy music and cool graphics for a low-budget game, a well-designed combat system, and huge replayability potential - try this game out, you’ll love it!

14. Griftlands

A kick-ass roguelike deck-builder with a fascinating storyline, where you’ll encounter plenty of foes or allies on your way - it’s up to you how you want to respond to the NPC’s that you encounter - you can choose to be diplomatic, brute, friendly or hostile. Damn, you can even steal something if you’re a cheeky bastard!

Besides the cool battling system, you will also be able to complete quests for others and receive rewards. A decent roguelike card game for players who enjoy a good story and hours of fun!

13. Monstertrain


You’ll love this game, smart level design and graphics that will please your eyeballs, and the countless hours that you’ll spend on this game!

12. Warhammer Combat Cards

11. Runeverse: Sea Brawls

Another cool game with mechanics similar to Hearthstone, like in previously mentioned card games, you’ll be able to collect cards and build decks, but in this game, you’ll also be able to play different gamemodes - either 1v1 battles or battles that take place between 8 players!

The system requirements are nonexistent for this game, I’m 100% sure that you can run this game on a potato if you wanted to. You’re gonna enjoy the simple art design in this game, game mechanics and addicting collection system - try it out!

10. Creatures of Aether

You’ll be put in the magical world of Aether, where you’ll be able to either destroy other players in ranked PVP matches or PVE dungeons if slaughtering or getting slaughtered by other players is not your cup of tea!

Once again, you’ll have to build a strong deck that will consist of whatever you want to put in it - you’ll be equipped with many powerful abilities to crush your foes in this fancy, cartoonish game with hours long of fun gameplay!

9. Storybook Brawl

Hey man, this one is pretty diverse in terms of heroes selection, you’ll be able to choose from 30 heroes to have under your control and select a side to fight on - you can either pick some spooky, evil vampire or some other chick that’s more good-hearted.

You also don’t have to worry about facing difficulties as a beginner, this game has to offer bot games if you’re a new player. This game does a lot of things differently than other card games and you should give it a try!

8. Kards

A card game that takes place in WW2? No, don’t expect Soviets and Nazis peacefully playing poker with each other, you can expect some sort of Hearthstone-styled gameplay with plenty of expansions that will release in the future. Developers are actively trying to make this a better game which always gets a plus in my book!

You’ll be able to play as one of the factions from the WW2 war theatre, collect cards and yadi-yada, unlock cards such as the M8 Greyhound, Panther A, and plenty of other fancy cards. Also, it’s free - I think this is the only card game that takes place in WW2!

7. The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Do you hate your keyboard? Do you need an excuse to buy a new one? Look no further for a better card game that will make you lose your sanity and cause irreversible damage to your poor keyboard - I’d like to introduce to you The Elder Scrolls: Legends. A game with a small, but loyal community in which you can create various decks, one of my favorite being the aggro deck, which focuses on very early harassment of the enemy champion, which will result in him dying super quickly.

The game’s player base dwindled, but it’s still active - it’s a lovely game that surely needs more recognition! Try it out!

6. Monster Evo

God dayum, this game reminds me a lot of Pokemon - here you’ll be able to catch wild pets out in the world of this fascinating game. You’ll be able to collect your pets and upgrade them by evolving them, which will improve their stats!

Pretty cool game with unique graphics and adorable pets to collect, you’re gonna enjoy the gameplay if you have played games like Pokemon in the past, this game will surely satisfy your needs - try it out for free on Steam!

5. Shadowverse

Are you a… weeb? Hey man, I ain’t judging, I just wanted to tell you about a game called Shadowverse, this game has plenty of anime cat girls for you to collect. This game in general has an anime-styled design, gameplay is pretty similar to Hearthstone, just 5 times more complicated. A very steep learning curve will prove to be quite challenging, but rewarding after many hours of enjoyable gameplay. 

My friend fancies this game and he broke his keyboard at least 50 times, either because of him getting RNG-rekt or playing against decks that you can’t win against. Fun times!

4. Legends of Runeterra

A card game made by Riot Games? It might seem odd, but there is something cool about seeing your favorite champion in the frame of a card do some crazy stuff in a card battle. This delicious piece of cake differentiates itself from other games with its lovely and unique mechanics, classy presentation and F2P-friendly gameplay. It’s also noob-friendly, so if you want to get started with card games, this game’s perfect for you!

3. Magic The Gathering Arena

MTG Arena, also called the father of all card games, will take you straight into the world of turn-based, strategic card battles filled with salt either from your side or the enemy’s side and plenty of microtransactions that will totally not improve your win ratio!

What is there more to say - you and your opponents will take turns in slowly destroying each other, sometimes you’ll be blessed by the RNGesus, sometimes you’ll be screwed over by him, you’ll be able to craft decks that will either be OP or dog poop. Anyways, check this game out!

2. Gwent the Witcher Card Game

Yes, CD Projekt Red made their own card game as well, obviously based on their Witcher Series, here you’ll be able to collect cool cards with characters from the game - like Geralt, Yennefer, and most important of them all, ROACH! How can you not love this game when you can put out roach on the battlefield?!

It’s F2P friendly as hell, I managed to get myself a decent meta-deck in less than a week and my progression in this game always seemed pleasant and easy to comprehend. I have to say this game is a nice change of pace from all the other mentioned card games and you’ll enjoy it if you like a game where you can easily come up with your own strategies and deck builds. Sick game!

1. Hearthstone

One of my beloved card games ever. I played this motherducker since its release back in 2014, I remember getting my first legendary, which was Sylvanas, the Windrunner - this game has an arena system that will grant you with awesome rewards the more you win and an exciting pack opening system, where you can find legendary, epic, uncommon or common cards with special effects. 

You can play with 9 distinct classes, each of them having special abilities that either make them tanky, deal damage to minions/other heroes, or just fill your turn with a 1/1 minion as a Pally. 

This is simply the best card game I’ve ever played in my life, and it was the first card game I have ever played - nothing beats it, plenty of people will disagree with me and that’s completely fine, but nothing made me as excited as Hearthstone did in my countless hours in this game. Try it out, it’s for free on Battle.net!

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