Top 25 Best Black Ops 4 Settings That Get You More Kills

Specialist quick scopes at Construction Site from a distance
11 Dec 2023

1. Look Sensitivity

Horizontal and vertical sensitivity controls how fast you look left, right, up and down.

  • Your sensitivity could be the difference between you making your kill or missing.

  • Your aimer could be too slow to keep up with opponents or too fast to control.

To change your look sensitivity:

pause > options > controls

Best sensitivity adjustments

Horizontal sensitivity           11

  • Slow enough to stay on target, fast enough to keep up if an enemy runs past.

Vertical sensitivity                13

  • Check above and below you quickly.

  • There is more space vertically than horizontally to hit your opponents.

*Playing at high sensitivity may be difficult at first but is worth getting used to.

2. ADS Sensitivity

ADS sensitivity controls how quickly your aimer moves while aiming down sights.

  • ADS sensitivity can be adjusted to fit your style of play and make you a more efficient killer.

To change your ADS sensitivity:

 pause > options > controls

Best sensitivity adjustments

ADS sensitivity             3x

  • Makes aiming quicker than the default 1x.

  • quick enough to keep up with your opponents.

3: High Zoom Sensitivity

High zoom sensitivity controls how quickly your crosshairs move on 4x scopes and higher.

  • Match the speed of your look sensitivity for most fluid gameplay.

To change your high zoom sensitivity:

 pause > options > controls

Best sensitivity adjustments

High zoom sensitivity           3x

  • Makes aiming quicker than the default 1x.

  • Able to shoot more opponents before they reach cover.

4: Target Assist

Target assist snaps your aimer on your target when your aimer gets close to them.

  • Target assist makes slight adjustments toward your enemy while snapped on.

To toggle target assist:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Target Assist       Enable

  • Target assist may occasionally deter you from a target if another target walks past you.

5: Controller Vibration

Controller vibration vibrates your controller when damaged or close to explosions.

To toggle controller vibration:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Controller Vibration   Disable

  • Controller vibration is more of a distraction while aiming than it is an alert to being fired at.

6: Sprint Cancels Reload

Sprint cancels reload makes you stop reloading when you sprint.

To toggle sprint cancels reload:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Sprint cancels reload    Disable

  • Disabling allows you to reload while sprinting.

  • Double tap weapon swap if you need to cancel your reload.

7: Auto Mantle

Auto Mantle makes you stop reloading when you sprint.

To toggle Auto Mantle:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Auto Mantle         Off

  • Pressing the jump button to mantle objects doesn’t slow you down.

  • Accidentally mantling an object near an enemy may be fatal.

8: Auto Sprint

Auto Sprint makes you continue to sprint without holding the sprint button. Must double tap sprint to activate.

To toggle Auto Sprint:

pause > options > controls

Best option

Auto sprint            Off

  • Unpredictable. Slows you down more than it helps.

  • Double tap to initiate is very inconsistent.

9: Stick Layout

Stick Layout determines which controller stick is assigned to which movements.

To change stick layout:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Stick Layout          Defaullt

  • Most have already mastered the default stick layout.

10: Button Layout

Button Layout determines button assignments.

To change button layout:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Button Layout      Tactical

  • Tactical allows you to dropshot opponents without taking your thumb from the right stick.

11: Bumper and Trigger Layout

Bumper and trigger layout determines bumper and trigger assignments.

  • Flipped makes the left trigger act as the left bumper and vice versa. Same with the right.

To change bumper and trigger layout:

 pause > options > controls

Best option

Bumper and trigger layout   Flipped

  • Bumpers take less time to activate then the triggers.

  • ADS and firing need to be your quickest buttons.

12: Brightness

Brightness increases the light in your screen.

To change brightness:

 pause > options > graphics

Best option

Brightness   100%

  •  Helps detect enemies hiding in dark areas.

13: Color Blind Mode

Color Blind Mode gives you color options for in-game text.

To change color blind options:

 pause > options > graphics

Best option

Color blind mode    Off

  • Red has the best contrast, unless you are color blind.

14: Gamertag indicator

Gamertag Indicator determines how much of players names are shown.

To change color blind options:

 pause > options > graphics

Best option

Gamertag indicator    Icon only

  •  Shows only the players rank and health bar.

15: Safe Area

Safe area gives you color options for in-game text.

To change safe area options:

 pause > options > graphics

Best option

Safe area    Maximize area three click outside of the boundaries

  •  This will keep the HUD as far towards the edge of the screen.

16: Audio Presets

Audio presets control your highs, lows, mids and bass.

To change audio presets:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

Audio preset    Headphones

  • The most well-defined sound

17: Subtitles

Subtitles turns voices in-game to text on-screen.

To change subtitles options:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

Subtitles    On

  •  Allows you to receive communications you may not be close enough to hear.

18: Voice Volume

Voice volume controls the voice of the narrator and other play.

To change voice volume:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

Voice volume   10

  •  Mission essential information is spoken

19: Music Volume

Music volume controls the volume for the music

To change music volume:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

Music volume    4

  •  Music is a distraction from in-game sound effects.

20: SFX Volume

SFX volume controls volume of gameplay.

To change SFX volume options:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

SFX volume   10

  • SFX will help you hear enemies walking.

21: Multiplayer Dialog

Multiplayer Dialog is the chatter and comments made by specialist characters in-game.

To toggle multiplayer dialog options:

 pause > options > audio

Best option

Multiplayer dialog   Off

  • Players still yell out callouts.

  • Their chatter is distracting.

22: Mini Map

Mini Map lets you control the shape of your mini-map in Blackout mode.

To change mini map options:

 pause > options > blackout

Best option

Mini map    Square

  •  Square lets you see more area on your map.

23: Item Pick Up

Item pick up determines your item pick up method in blackout,

To change item pick up options:

 pause > options > blackout

Best option

Item pick up    Press

  •  Press makes picking up items faster.

24: Ladder Mounting Orientation

Ladder mounting orientation lets you control which direction you face to climb down ladders.

To change ladder mounted orientation options:

 pause > options > blackout

Best option

Ladder mounted orientation   Forward

  •  Forward is the easiest way down a ladder.

25: Reload Behavior

Reload Behavior controls at which time in the press of your reload button you reload in blackout.

To change reload behavior options:

 pause > options > blackout

Best option

Reload behavior    On Press

  •  On press cuts reload times.

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