Zaky is a skilled writer and gamer with a passion for both activities. He is dedicated to improving his skills and consistently produces high-quality work. In his free time, Zaky enjoys exploring new topics and games and is always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and develop. Despite his love for writing and gaming, Zaky is also a well-rounded individual with a variety of other interests and commitments. I love writing about games in general, either that being their lore, their pro scene, even some drama or competition, those are just preferred topics which I've indulged in but I just love writing about anything in general really. I've written dozens of articles for my school paper, I've been writing for years now and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I love writing about games mainly because of the community, the way people can just bunch up and just talk about their love to video games is just beautiful, I love gaming and all it has to bring, and I absolutely adore how much it has grown in the past decade.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Rocket League