William Nelsen is an expert creative writer who has won short story competitions and poetry slams. He has experience writing video game walkthroughs, opinion articles, and spin-off stories of your favorite role playing games.

William has taken a writing workshop with acclaimed writer, Ben Michaelson, where he refined his writing style. William won a regional open title short story contest with the North Idaho Writer's League.

The gaming topics he loves the most are Rpg's, fps, and real time strategy games. He has been an avid gamer for 20 years. His passion was seeded at 7 years old while playing Grand Theft Auto and Grand Turismo. He has developed a life long passion for the Grand Theft Auto, Assassin's Creed, and elder scrolls series.

He is a geek for adventure in the mortal and digital realm. He loves sharing video game lore, gaming tactics, and opinions on RPGs, FPS, and RTS games.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Assassin's Creed Valhalla