Tryphena is a professional writer who believes in double patties burgers more than she believes in herself. She started writing in high school with the encouragement of her English teacher after winning First Place in the school's essay writing competition. Her stories and articles were published in the school newspaper which became a stepping stone for the next step in her life.

Before heading to university, Tryphena worked as a journalist for the local state's online news portal (that sadly closed down) while enjoying the taste of the local hotels' finest food at different press conferences. In university, she has gone on to write for her university's live radio shows and short films. Her written works currently are published across different platforms, covering mainly food and travel, and technology.

This was the time when Tryphena discovered her passion for RPG games that focus on rich storytelling, exploration and atmospheric graphics. Her first love is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, to which she still consistently plays and mods to her satisfaction. This was the gateway game to every other story-driven game that she comes across.

For every game Tryphena comes across, her aim is to find every in-game collectible and cover as much of the map as she can. The focus is on doing it as efficiently as possible and having fun while getting there. Sometimes it's good to stop and smell that fictional flower.

Tryphena hopes that the next Elder Scrolls game will be out in her lifetime and she is also keeping her fingers crossed for Starfield.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Deep Rock Galactic