Lorna is a writer, creative, and of course, a gamer. Gaming has been her pastime for basically her whole life - her earliest memories are of playing on the SEGA Genesis with her father, falling further and further in love with games with every cartridge she put in.

She is a fan of a whole manner of games, mainly RPG's and FPS's. Games like Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, and Animal Crossing shaped a large part of her life. She enjoys games of a similar vein and focuses on writing primarily for those genres.

After earning her degree in Creative Writing, Lorna set her eyes on the many options of the field, eager to try everything. Her writing career is diverse, from professional copywriting for marketing and small businesses, to creative writing for clients and herself.

Currently, she is enjoying writing about games, and is working on her poetry.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing