My name is Leonard Woodruff and I am an expert in fantasy writing. I have played thousands of hours of RPG games and spend time to analyze the story and plot points to try and gauge how good a game is, story-wise. I have experience in writing stories based on games that lack storytelling and also write scripts for video games with an indie company. I have written a few retellings of games and am working on even more for the future as well as a novel and short stories that I came up with. I love writing for and about the story aspects of games as well as if the game has a good market system, what I look for and like in gameplay, and what the community behind the game is like. I personally love tactical turn based RPG games as well as open world RPGs. I am also a fan of team based objective games like paladins or overwatch and frequently play overwatch.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
FInal Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringer