McKenzie has been writing and playing games since she was very young. She was always writing stories to far off worlds with magic and mystery, and searching for any book or game that would help her come up with new ideas for her fantasies. She has written many short stories and has worked on many different books. She loves to analyze the different aspects of a game or a book, the character progression, the stories plot line, the action, the art. She has many long conversations discussing the differences between two or three games, or going into the little details of books. She loves to play RPG's as they are games that she can truly put herself into and be living as she plays them. She loves puzzle and strategy games as they get her thinking and she has to explore different areas or think in a completely new way in order to succeed. She is always up for trying new games or reading new books. It's a new adventure waiting around the corner and she can't wait to go and explore every nook and cranny there is.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2