Ryan has spent nearly a lifetime being passionate about community through gaming. Uncompromisingly optimistic at times, Ryan is usually found dissecting the often over looked bits of gaming culture. Recent subjects include, gaming fandom in a post-influencer age, or whether Detective Mode in Arkham Asylum started a trend of 'easy mode' mechanics.

With nearly a decade of fostering community, Ryan is known for generating long-lasting rapport in his personal and professional endeavours. Having organized more than a dozen branded events as part of one of the worlds largest FFXIV guilds, community in gaming remains an endless passion.

When not gaming, Ryan can be found working on his first novel, or deep in the weeds of an obscure but thought provoking gaming subreddit. Though he would never admit to being fanboy to one singular genre, RPG's speak to Ryan the most because of their rich lore. Recent achievements in storytelling for fighting games and adventure titles continue to draw his attention though, for their flawed characters and gritty narrative.

If you ever responded with 'you know, I never thought about that,' or asked ‘what if...’ Ryan will certainly want to hear more from you.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo