Phillip Tieman is a professional writer and lifelong gamer from Texas. His work has been published on numerous blogs, websites, and Youtube channels covering a variety of topics, but his true passion has always been gaming. Phillip cut his digital teeth on the likes of Rebel Assault and Myst, and his passion for video games has only continued to grow. Phillip has also been involved in tabletop RPGs and wargames for almost 20 years, and is an experienced Dungeon Master. He especially loves role-playing games and any other kind of game that allows the player to creatively express themself as a person, and will often spend hours in the character creation menus of a new game. Phillip also loves exploring the wild new worlds that modern games have to offer, and sees his writing as a way to bring others on that journey with him. When not playing video games or writing about playing video games, Phillip can be found spending time with his wife and cats, and will usually be trying to talk to them about video games too.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Surge 2