First person shooters (FPS) are where the majority of Gabriel's free time has been spent for the last 12 years. Ever since the Halo and Call of Duty franchises reached out and gained a foothold into the multiplayer online experience, his sights have never shifted. Overwatch is the most recent prey to succumb to his unforgiving eyes, for he has coached countless Overwatch teams and played since the game's release back in 2016. Before the coin flip fiasco of season 1, quick play was the only place Overwatch players could get their fix. And when he is not playing Overwatch, the off days are certainly to be riddled with media such as Lord of the Rings or Chihayafuru, while the weekends are prime time for board games or magic at the local game store. Sharing that knowledge has been just as rewarding for Gabriel as obtaining it.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Project: Winter, Hearthstone: Battlegrounds