Joshua is a lifetime gamer who can go into excruciating detail over games like Wii Ski or Harvest Moon while simultaneously ignoring the existence of games like Valorant or Starcraft II. He has a passion for gaming that stretches all the way from hanging with the boys and playing Minecraft to watching a technical analysis on how to beat Watch for Falling Rocks with only half an A press to having an in-depth discussion on the theory behind character development. His favorite game franchises of all time are Sonic the Hedgehog, Minecraft, Pokémon, Harvest Moon, Super Smash Bros, and the Wii titles. Joshua is aware that makes him sound like an eight year old. He doesn't care. Other titles Joshua holds close to heart include Street Fighter, Mario Kart, Age of Empires, Super Mario, Punch-Out, Galaga, Need for Speed, Worms, Stronghold, TMNT IV, and Top Gear.
In addition to being a devoted gamer, Joshua is an incredibly talented writer who received a 790 on the SAT writing section, placing him in the top 1% of writers globally. He has received consistent praise and delight from all of his teachers and employers, and can write in nearly any format with top-tier speed and consistency. He loves the process of taking his thoughts and feelings on the topics he is passionate about and putting them to pen in a manner that is engaging to others.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Minecraft, Pokémon Shield, Pokémon Ruby, Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Beat Saber