After getting her degree in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology in Fort Collins, Colorado, Nina has decided to spend her time traveling and telling people about her favorite games and movies.

She has had her short stories published three times, won NaNoWriMo(National Novel Writing Month) twice, and is now currently working on getting a few novels published.

After living with 4 dogs, two turtles, two bunnies, and a tiger salamander, Nina also felt experienced enough to share her knowledge about pets, and has written and published several articles about them as well.

Mostly, she plays games with her fiance, his brother, and friends. She loves the ability to participate in the story. Or, in a lot of cases, other people participating in stories as she comments from the sidelines and helps when needed. Her favorite games to play are casual games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Slime Rancher, but she enjoys finding scary games for her fiance to play so she can watch.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter (Rise, World, Stories 2)