Melissa is a creative writer who self-published her own book that she wrote in high school. She has practiced her skill for many years and is always looking for a chance to improve and show her passion to the world. When she has touched someone with her writing emotionally, she feels accomplished. This is what makes her an excellent game writer, as she can take others along for the ride with her as if they are actually experiencing what she is. Melissa is most active in card games, dominoes,dice, PC gaming such as The Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and occasionally World of Warcraft, Wii games like Just Dance, and even some IPhone games that she can take over the world with like Plague. She loves to write about her successes, failures, and the occasional world domination through her adventures in each world that she enters. Competitive, searching for a new challenge, and not afraid of failure, Melissa is an active geek ready to take on anything.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Sims 4