Hailey is well-versed in the ways of simulation and adventure games. One of earliest memories is sitting on her dad’s lap, pointing the joystick and playing the original King’s Quest series. She credits King Graham of Daventry for teaching her how to type. This led to a love of the Sierra franchise—Gabriel Knight, Quest for Glory, and of course the remaining 6 King’s Quest games (we don’t talk about the deplorable 8th “sequel”).

A “Simmer” since the year 2000, Hailey is an expert in the ways of pixel people, and has developed a knack for building in the Sims games. Requests from other Simmers have made for some interesting builds, including a butler-themed “reality show” mansion; an underground medieval prison; and a mermaid grotto for a fantasy story. One of her builds was even showcased back in the Sime 2 days.

Writing + gaming are Hailey’s favorite 2 hobbies; having the freedom to say what she feels about what she’s playing, and sharing those feelings with the world is her favorite part. Agree, disagree, or have an alternative opinion altogether, Hailey loves seeing what other gamers have to say!
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