Joshua Vega is a student that loves writing and creating content, especially pertaining to gaming, movies, and items about that scope. In his past time he constantly dreams of whatever economic success might follow if he were in alternate realities. He mainly writes in-depth literature analysis for just about anything that has enough substance, fire and spice. However, the main genre he excels at is definitely without a doubt, Interactive Novels, and the reason being he plays these games all the time! Language has never been an obstacle for him, be it written or verbal. His writing experience mainly started off writing for his school magazine in different genres, such as poetry and short stories, to writing literary analysis for college scripts. The Model United Nations (MUN) has also recognised him as Most Outstanding Delegate in the World Trade Organization (WTO) during the Penang Model United Nations (PMUN) September 2020 session. He has been dabbling in a myriad of gaming genres ever since 2011 when he first started out with a Nintendo DS Lite, which, to much surprise, he still owns. His favourite genres of games would be MOBA, Interactive Novels, and MMORPG. Writing about games increases his love for them and the fact that he gets to share it with the ever-expanding gaming community. Joshua firmly believes that whether one has been gaming for decades or just started the day before, one never stops learning!
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Genshin Impact