Hunter Bolger is a lifelong variety gamer who has been playing everything and anything he can get his hands on since he was a child. He has hundreds of hours in popular shooters Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone, as well as RPG's The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. When Hunter isn't playing games he is a screenwriter with a degree from Knox College who hopes to one day write the story for your favorite games too. His favorite part of playing a video game is getting completely immersed in the world, whether that be in an incredibly large RPG or a third-person cover shooter, find him exploring every nook and cranny for lore and collectibles. Hunter has written over 300 pages of screenwriting, and feels his background helps him better illustrate writing choices in your favorite video games, and look at things from an insider's point of view. Hunter is very excited to bring you video game content and says his favorite part about writing about games is hearing all of the readers thoughts and opinions on his work.
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