Andrea has been a writer since she was given pen and paper for the very first time. Of course, she doesn't remember much about it because she was a child and her brain was not quite developed yet. Oftentimes, she thinks that that might still be the case. That's probably why she obtained a Bachelor in Cognitive Psychology, as well as a Master's Degree in Translation, and another in Copywriting. Over the years she strengthened her creativity by both taking notes on the world around her and playing several games, be it Pokémon Red on her Game Boy or Dungeons & Dragons with her friends. She started writing cosmic horror short stories, then she took her hobbies to one of the geekiest places on the internet - Reddit - where she wrote guides, suggestion posts, and articles. She became an expert in games like Path of Exile and AFK Arena, among her favourites. It was only natural for her to combine her love for games with her passion for words, thus starting a career in the industry as a professional. She now is both a gamer girl and an experienced writer, which sometimes feels like a superpower of sorts.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Path of Exile, AFK Arena, Borderlands 3, Brawlhalla