Gabriel Texidor is first and always a movies obsessed video gaming fashion punk, which are the avenues he likes to write about. Since earning a bachelor's in film and digital production, he's created and edited literature and media for indie writers and artists, production companies, blogs and business owners, on top of his personal work of films, photography, short stories and poetry. Gaming has been a big source of inspiration for Gabriel, a natural player since Mario for Super Nintendo. He does gravitate towards PvP gaming, fighting games, RPGs, zombies and vampires and anything where players can create and customize their own character. Some of his favorite games and franchises are definitely Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto and The Sims. Like any true gamer, he's a critic and enjoys writing about every single detail, especially aesthetics, storylines and the money and talent behind the games we can't get enough of. Soon enough, he'll be stepping on the floors of the epic gaming tournaments and conventions around the world, so watch out and level up!
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Vampyr, Friday the 13th, MKX, Candy Crush