I've been gaming since the 1980's, and writing creatively for almost as long. I consider myself a well-rounded geek with knowledge of many genres of video gaming, board gaming, card gaming, and memes. My main expertise is with the Pokemon series, as well as Minecraft. I also enjoy anime and cosplay and I am an accomplished fanfiction writer. I have been attending and enjoying conventions for many years, as well as making my own costumes for them.

I have been reading and writing since I was very young, and my favorite book genre is Fantasy. I have won a prize at a student showcase with one of my pieces, and and had another piece placed in the top five. I enjoy putting my video game and geek knowledge to the test and I am always eager to know more about the games I play.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Pokemon Sword, Minecraft 3DS, Pokemon Trading Card Game
Top 3 Favorite Games