David has always had a particular love for writing, especially delving into more creative affairs. From fleshing out entire worlds and characters in some distant sci-fi future to supernatural horror, it’s always been a passion to write. Ever since he scrounged together his first PC build in his early teens he’s been writing stories.

He can dismantle and examine games, from deciphering a story-driven game’s inherent message to determining the most optimized path to ranking in the top 10% of players. Being a skilled wordsmith alongside this particular predilection provides a unique avenue to not only deliver these messages, but in an effective and interesting way.

He has invested many (many) thousands of hours into gaming. Starting with a humble deck of cards to board games, migrating eventually to the Sega Genesis, N64, Xbox, Playstation, and now PC. A smattering of interests in the gaming world, he can throw down in any of the big name twitch shooters (and a lot of the smaller ones) and hold his own in some of the more cerebral RTS games. RPGs with branching skill trees and slow burning, visceral story driven works of art. Colony sims, survival management, puzzle games, you name it. Writing reviews or tutorials on games that’ve had hundreds, if not thousands of hours clocked each, is a passion at this point.

The best part of having the opportunity to write for games is the perfect storm of interests. Being able to write about the absolutely incredible storytelling of “Last of Us” or guide players to improving their survivability and bumping their rank in CS:GO is something he’d inevitably do in a conversation anyway. Having a platform and audience is just icing on the cake. Being able to share these experiences in his own medium and teaching valuable skills to the next generation of gamers is a fantastic opportunity to share with the largely isolated gaming community as a whole.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
State of Decay 2