15 Most Awesome PC Game Heroes

15 Most Awesome PC Game Heroes
28 Sep 2015

Meet our 15 most awesome heroes from PC games.

Heroes Unite

Savior of the weak, protector of the innocent, man of the people, these are all attributes attested to the greatest of heroes. Each hero excels at different tasks but can collectively be thought of as a man of action. Their deeds and accomplishments are tales of legend capable of inspiring courage in the most feeble of individuals.

Each hero listed has been carefully considered before being ranked on the following list.

They have gone above and beyond time and time again, rising to face danger and defeat evil where ever it stands. Their reward is nothing more than the gratitude of others and occasionally a pretty girl. Sit back and enjoy the ride as we count down the top 15 most iconic, memorable and influential heroes to ever grace the video game industry.  

15. Fox McCloud (Starfox)

What Does the Fox Say?

Starting the countdown is our fan favorite defender of the Lylat system. Starfox McCloud sporting his iconic trusty blaster, reflector and fluffy tail, he lands the number 15 position on our list. Fox has been coasting through the Lylat system to protect the universe from the evil Andross for years.

Assisted by his four team members (Slippy Toad, Krystal, Peppy Hare and Falco Lombardi) Fox McCloud and the star fox team will always rise to the occasion when evil rears its ugly face.  

14. Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)

Lightning Can Strike the Same Spot Twice

Just as beautiful and deadly as a summer's thunder-storm, Lightning crashes her way into the 14th position. Originally named Claire Farron in the Japanese version, lightning is a young woman with long light pink hair. Her sword capable of changing forms, has struck down numerous PSICOM soldiers and monsters alike.

Destroying evil and corruption comes natural to this beautiful hero and is simply another day at the office. 

13. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

Staring Off

Sora, the hero of the Kingdom Hearts series has to be one of the best swordsmen of all time. He calmly downsizes the quantity of enemies known as the heartless with a giant key appropriately named the key blade. This sword must choose its wielder which lets you know from the beginning this guy is meant for greatness.

Fighting to save his friends along with a tiny place known as THE WORLD from evil is all on this guy’s daily to do list. In doing so, Sora not only receives a wide array of flashy blue, red, yellow and white outfits lined in intricate embroideries, he also wins the heart of a beautiful girl.

12. Link (The legend of Zelda)


Link has saved princess Zelda on so many occasions we have begun to lose count. As a member of the Kokiri race which originates from the land of Hyrule, link exhibits distinctive green clothes accompanied by pointy ears. Wielding his large array of weapons ranging from swords, bows, bombs and boomerangs, Link is no stranger to the hero scene.

Whether it’s sailing, climbing or playing a beautiful melody on his flute, no task is impossible for this amazing warrior. 

11. Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)

Serious as always

What is more terrifying than a mechanical race whose sole purpose of existence is to destroy organic life, the answer: Commander John Shepard. This awe inspiring leader is so invested in his cause he could not help but state “it’s hard enough fighting a war, but its worse knowing no matter how hard you try…you can’t save them all”. No super powers or superhuman implants for this savior.

Just a few good weapons and a strong team is all this leader needs to overcome staggering odds. 

10. Samus Aran (Metroid)

Break From the Action

Bulky armor, crazy upgrades, an awesome space ship, this guy has to be…. Wait, there’s a woman beneath that suit? That’s right gamers, rocketing her way into the number 10 position is the lovely Samus Aran. Her arm cannon discharges large balls of energy and the occasional missiles to keep enemies guessing.

Time and time again this deadly combination of metal and beauty has foiled the plans of the evil Ridley. 

9. Kratos (God of War)

Im Coming For You Father

The ghost of Sparta, Kratos, fights to avenge his fallen wife (Lysandra) and daughter (Calliope) which he was tricked into murdering. His white skin was branded with the ashes of his slain family in order to reveal his shame. In his conquest for revenge, Kratos has left a trail of death in his wake.

Be it mortals, titans or the gods themselves, no one can stand in the way of this chain-sword wielding avenger. 

8. Ellie (The last of us)

Daddy's Girl

This little girl with her backpack and short hair motivated gamers throughout the world to continue the fight. She inspired bravery and taught that no matter how bad things seem, never give up. Throughout the series she believed there was always something worth fighting for and never gave up hope.

This little girl never asked for anything but deserved everything. This is Ellies story, our hero and friend.

7. Altair (Assassin's Creed)

Disappear into the Crowd

This assassin plunged his hidden blade into the back of tons of corrupted officials to help cleanse the world of their spreading evil. Altair rose to the ranks of hero one target at a time. Throughout his journey, several mistakes were made but each helped him develop his own values and beliefs which ultimately lead to one of the greatest heroes the assassin’s world has ever seen.  

6. Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)

Did he Just Kill a Bird?

Cloud Strife, this spiky hair sword wielding ex member of SOLDIER originally appears as a mercenary for hire. As the game proceeds across its massive 3 disks, he gradually evolves into much more. Eventually destroying the powerful Sephiroth and saving the world, he develops a personality that is nearly impossible to resist.

His crazy backstory and bipolar tendencies do not stop this hero from eventually becoming one of the most loved and noticeable characters ever created. 

5. Solid Snake (Metal Gear)

Only One Eye Needed

This guy is the Swiss army knives of soldiers. Being a spy, mercenary and special operative, there isn’t any adversary in existence he cannot overcome. Solid snake is a master of disguise and to no surprise speaks a large array of languages.

He constantly surpasses his own heroic deeds only to elevate his already legendary status. Whether the task be destroying military assets or rescuing members of elite organizations, solid snake is the man for the job. 

4. Master Chief (Halo)

Ready For Duty

Encapsulated in armor, this soldier essentially saved the universe single handedly. Always cool calm and collected, Master Chief approaches every situation already subconsciously knowing the outcome. His array of weaponry provides several options for a painful or expedited means to meet your maker.

I mean, how many other heroes can seriously say they fell from space and survived to wreak havoc upon their adversaries? 

3. Ryu (Street Fighter)

Lets Fight

“The answer lies in the heart of battle” has to be one of the best catch phrases to begin a battle. When talking is not an option, Ryu steps forward to prove why you should have simply walked away. Constantly testing his abilities while all the time refusing to give into his inner murderous urges, Ryu has easily earned the number three spot on our countdown list of top 15 video game heroes. 

2. Marcus Fenix (Gears of War)

Fallen Brethren 

Bugs need be weary for humanity has a giant can of bug spray and its name is Marcus Fenix. Though technically not bugs, the locust horde terrorizing the earth is made up of a group of reptilian humanoid like creatures. This veteran has seen the ugliest sides of war and has come out on top in nearly every episode.

Well versed in several forms of combat, Marcus Fenix lives to ram the sword of justice down any unsuspecting locust throat. But, when a sword is not available he is perfectly fine with defending the earth with his trusty chainsaw.

1. Jim Raynor (Starcraft)

Not You Again

Claiming the number one position on our list is none other than the awesome combat suite wearing James Raynor. Defending the galaxy from the Zerg swarm, while simultaneously rescuing his lost love is just another daily stroll through the cosmos for this epic hero. Commonly forced to make tough decisions with lives hanging on the balance, James Raynor serves up three courses of justice daily.

Unfortunately labeled as a rebel for pursuing the correct course of action, he will stop at nothing to retrieve what was taken from him. James has no trouble casting aside the vicious words of his critics and boldly stepping into the light to claim the number one spot on our countdown. 

As always everyone has their own cherished list of heroes which through courageous feats has placed them in varying spots on each individual’s heroic list. If you feel certain characters have arguably performed greater heroic deeds than those listed above, feel free to leave a comment below. 

Heroes exist in every genre of gaming and unfortunately several did not make the list. But feel free to check out some of the other games which contain amazing heroes in their own aspect in each of these articles.  Heroes of The Storm and Female Heroes of Gaming.
