10 Cool Games To Play in 2015

10 Cool Games To Play in 2015
07 Jun 2015

Are you bored with the games you've been playing? 

2015 is completely packed with awesome releases that should keep most gamers fully occupied throughout the entire year! Here are ten of the coolest games to play and look forward to:

10. Assassin’s Creed: Victory

Victorian London is the setting for the next Assassin game. Imagine the leap of faith off of the Big Ben!

The release date is yet to be announced, but the information has leaked and we now know that this year’s Assassin’s Creed game will take place in Victorian London. Hopefully this game will actually be complete upon release and not riddled with as many bugs as its predecessor. If the launch is pulled off right, then you can bet that this will be one of the best games this year!

Here are 5 reasons why you should play Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate:

1.     Because you’ve played all the other Assassin games, don’t stop now!

2.     You get to use a grappling hook!

3.     It has a huge and expansive open world that you can explore completely.

4.     There will be dynamic combat on moving vehicles. Yup you read that right.

5.     Because the Templars suck and you need to stop them.

9. The Witcher 3

That doesn't look like any animal I've ever hunted...

Take on the role as one of the infamous Witchers and protect the Northern Kindoms from an otherworldly army called the Wild Hunt. This action packed RPG has already been released and has had huge success. It is the successor to both the previous Witcher games, but you do not need to play them to fully enjoy the Witcher 3.

Here are 5 reasons why you should play this game:

1.     There are tons of improvements from the previous games including the ability for the Witcher to actually jump and climb, mounted combat, the Witcher sense, and improved travelling.

2.     The story from the first two games concludes in an awesome way in this third installment.

3.     You play as a Witcher, a sort of bounty hunter that only kills monsters. The Witchers have been trained and even mutated since early childhood to be everything a human is, only better. You are essentially a superhuman.

4.     The Witcher 3 is a huge open world game, but more than that, the entire Witcher universe is something you can totally immerse yourself in because of the deep lore.

5.     There is an awesome decision making system in the game that will actually change the outcome based on your choices.

8. Pillars of Eternity

Is your Icewind Dale nostalgia tingling?

Pillars of Eternity is an attempt to go back to the roots of Dungeons and Dragons styled RPG's in advanced modern day graphics. You venture forth into the land of Dyrwood where the inhabitants are plagued with a strange ailment. Many are born hollow, without souls, and it is up to you to figure out how to stop it.

The game looks amazing and this should be a must play for all RPG junkies out there. Here are 5 awesome reasons to play this game:

1.     You can go back to your nostalgic Baldur’s Gate or Planescape roots.

2.     You can play as 6 different races and explore a vast beautiful world.

3.     While this game is in 2D, it is still completely gorgeous!

4.     All of your decisions have a huge impact on the outcome of the story. You shape the way the game progresses.

5.     There are no presets; you decide how you play and what you play. It is a completely honest and authentic role playing game.

7. Evolve

My vote is on the giant monster thing

This game takes place on the distant planet called Shear. Humanity has set up colonies in that region of space, but monsters have started showing up and destroying them. The premise is very simple since it is not a very story driven game. It is a monster versus hunter shooter kind of game instead, and it focuses completely on multiplayer. 4 players take on the role of hunters while the 5th gets to play the big bad monster. Here are 5 reasons to play this game:

1.     You get to team up and fight humongous creatures. Who wouldn’t love that?

2.     You are always in a team of 4 players. You don’t have to rely on crappy AI support.

3.     You can play as a big bad monster and grief other players to no end.

4.     The graphics and feel of the game is awesome! It is like you dove headfirst into Jurassic Park.

5.     The game does not require a huge time commitment to enjoy. You can play a few games and then do something else. It is nice not having to dedicate a huge amount of time whenever you want to play.

6. Tom Clancy’s The Division

This is actual gameplay footage!

Not a lot has been heard about this game since it was announced at last year’s E3, but it is looking to be one of the best games of the year. The trailer showed a small group of survivors wandering through a cold wintery New York that looked like it was abandoned. Supposedly a biological attack had taken place, and you must fight with your friends to survive. Here are 5 reasons to play this game:

1.     The graphics are absolutely amazing!

2.     The story is much deeper than you first imagined including deep conspiracy theories and controversial decisions that are relatable to real life issues.

3.     It is an online shooter so you can play with all of your friends.

4.     The game contains awesome survival elements that you need to pay attention to.

5.     Ubisoft listens to their fans and will make changes or patches based on what the community actually wants.

5. Dying Light

See that guy jumping off the ceiling? Yeah, that's you.

Mirror’s Edge and Dead Island had a baby, and it was beautiful! This game was released in January, and if you have not played it yet, you need to do so now. The game is an amazing blend between parkour racing and zombie fighting. You need to protect the survivors in a zombie infested city, collect airdrops with supplies, and defeat the evil tyrant that is rising in the west. Here are 5 cool reasons to play Dying Light:

1.     It has some of the best parkour/climbing mechanics in the gaming industry!

2.     A million different ways to kill zombies. You can hit them with a pipe or dropkick them off a five story building.

3.     The game has a really captivating story and millions of side quests that are actually fun and rewarding.

4.     The world is massive and completely open.

5.     Multiplayer. You can team up and defeat zombies in fun and unique ways with your friends.

4. Batman: Arkham Knight

Playing as Batman is really all you need to make this game rock!

There is not a better video game franchise out there that tells the tale of a superhero than the Arkham series. You don the black cape of Batman and venture out to continue the epic story that has already spanned two games. You will meet countless of thugs that you get to punch in the face on the way to confront Scarecrow and stop his evil plan. Here are five awesome reasons why you should play Arkham Knight:

1.     You get to be Batman!

2.     Batman’s stealth and combat abilities are bigger and better.

3.     The game has a huge open world that you can explore in all three dimensions.

4.     There are hordes of minions that you can punch in the face.

5.     There are even more fun Batman gadgets to play with.

3. Metal Gear Solid 5

This game will lay the groundwork for all of the other game's stories

This is supposed to be the prequel to the very first and original Metal Gear game. Big Boss is returning in this sequel to Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. This game tells the story of how Big Boss gained his big mercenary haven, and it lays the ground work for the rest of the series that we’ve grown to love.

A couple of major reasons why this game will be so cool is because it will be a huge open world environment in which you get to take part of an epic stealth based adventure. The stealth mechanics will be awesome and really allow you to feel like a spy. Konami has done well before and there is no reason why they wouldn’t do so now.

The Five reasons you should play this game:

1.     Epic Stealth Mechanics

2.     Huge Open World

3.     It is the story that started it all

4.     You get to construct your own mercenary Haven

5.     You get a one eyed wolf pup pet… Melt my heart

2. Overwatch

Any game released by Blizzard is bound to be a huge success. Overwatch is their attempt at a moba style Team Fortress 2 kind of game. Blizzards CG department already put together one of the most amazing trailers ever to promote the game. It certainly looks like it will be a big hit!

You can choose from a selection of heroes to battle it out in a first person shooter style arena in which the goal is to capture important objectives and hold them for as long as possible. Here are 5 cool reasons to play this game:

1.     Blizzard makes awesome games! They will not disappoint you

2.     It is a fresh new take at the FPS genre. You don’t have to play the 300th Call of Duty game, play this instead.

3.     The hero selection is huge so you can play your own unique style

4.     It is a first person shooter that is different from the rest of the genre

5.     It is a fun team based shooter. Think of it as League of Legends having a baby with Battlefield.

1. Star Wars Battlefront

This game will be awesome! Just don't hit any trees.

EA is hoping to land this release shortly before the VII installment of the Star Wars series hits theaters. Doing so would likely increase sales by a lot! Is it necessary though? So many of us grew up playing the Battlefront series and loved it, and we are all excited for the third game to hit the shelves. Loyal fans have waited almost a decade for this release! The question is if it will be as big of success as the previous ones. Here are 5 reasons to play this game:

1.     It is Star Wars… What else do you need?

2.     You can battle it out in huge PvP style Jedi combat. On top of that you can play as iconic characters such as Boba Fett or Darth Vader

3.     Many of the nostalgic maps are back. At least Hoth and Endor are making a return!

4.     The graphics are astonishing!

5.     Some of the best vehicle combat in fps gaming!

What games are you looking forward to playing this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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