10 Best PC Games of 2013 You May Have Missed Out On

Liz from BioShock Infinite wearing a white and blue uniform. She is holding a blue book and acting aggressively.
28 Nov 2016

BioShock Infinite is almost 4 years old? Are you serious?

Are you ready to ruminate? Read on and rediscover 10 of the best PC games from 2013 you may have missed out on.

10. BioShock Infinite

Your name is Booker DeWitt, a former detective. Debt has you in a stranglehold. Nothing else explains why you would take on a mission that seems impossible. Impossible? Well, your mission requires you to rescue Elizabeth, a prisoner of the floating city Columbia. Straight forward so far. But the city is missing. Oh, and she is being watched by Songbird. Why has Elizabeth been imprisoned here for so long? 

The official trailer for BioShock Infinite.

If you have played the other Bioshock titles, you’ll find Infinite easy to love. Get your hands on weapons galore, and don’t forget the magic. Explore Columbia and experience the conflict that has gripped its inhabitants. Immerse yourself in rich dialogues and experience the emotions that rise to the surface as DeWitt and Elizabeth find their synergy.

Hot headed man from BioShock Infinite
Look, bud, I’m just here to ride the gondola

If you only have time to play one game, go for this one. It’s by far one of the best PC games from 2013 that you may have missed out on.

9. Outlast

You’re a journalist. You know that first-hand experiences provide the best inspiration. Why else would you break into Mount Massive Asylum? If you knew the heinous acts occurring within the walls you would turn around right now.

Outlast's official launch trailer, get spooked.

Get ready for the horrors that await you inside the walls of this asylum. It no longer operates under the same rules that once governed it. Inside you will meet a terrifying cast brought to life from actual case files. Because horror games need that extra back story to make them even scarier, right?

Who wants a hug?

Your only hope for survival is to, well, survive. If you had fingernails before playing this title, prepare yourself for nubs afterward.

8. Dust: An Elysian Tail

Dust: An Elysian Tail is a solid 2D action slash platformer slash RPG. You play as Dust, a warrior who has a faded memory of just about everything. You’re given a sentient blade and its adorable keeper to make up for the head fog. Without the blade, Ahrah, and its keeper Fidget, you would be lost.

The Steam announcement video for Dust: An Elysian Tale.

The world you venture across couldn’t be more enjoyable to explore. Hand-painted scenery will take your breath away. Combat is flexible providing a variety of combos and channeled attacks. At times you might feel like you’re M. Bison whipping out a psycho crusher. Characters will engage you not only with text but voice as well.

Taste my lightning, suckers!

It doesn’t get much better than this. With Ahrah as your guide and Fidget as your company, help Dust remember who he is.

7. Tomb Raider

Lara Croft in high definition. Are you sold yet? 

Tomb Raider's "Survival" trailer.

Welcome to the island of Yamatai. Here is where Lara begins her coming of age story. Well, her transformation into a more confident survivor and killer. You are shipwrecked and disoriented on the island. As you explore, you come to learn the locals aren’t keen on entertaining guests.

Lara likes it up close and personal.

High octane, cinematically inspired gameplay isn’t the best part. If you have the right rig, this title can push your components to their limit. Everything has been designed with high definition in mind.

Crank up your graphics and get lost with Lara.

6. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

What would you do if your father was dying? You wouldn’t give up hope. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons lets you experience this dire circumstance by giving you a window into the emotional torrent that this situation creates.

The launch trailer for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

This is a story of bravery. You the player are also brave for choosing to play a game where you simultaneously control two characters. I’ve played this, and micromanaging the two is an obstacle at first. Once you are comfortable with the controls, the story begins to take hold.

I know the view is stunning, brother, but please don’t jump.

You will encounter giants and cross treacherous territory. You will control craft that travels on the land and in the sky. You will scale surfaces that have you shaking your head in disbelief. At times giving up will seem the best option. But your father is dying, and you will press on.

5. The Wolf Among Us

Are you tired of adult themes being watered down for the general public? Are you a fan of Willingham’s Fables? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you’ll want to backtrack a few years and play this one.

The official launch trailer for The Wolf Among Us.

The Wolf Among Us is another episodic adventure brought to you by the storytelling masters at Telltale Games. You are the big, bad wolf. Thanks to what is known as a glamour, you are able to mask your identity and operate in the world of ordinary humans. But you have more than just yourself to worry about.

Tread lightly old man, I have face-wrinkles, too.

Can you lend assistance to your fantastical friends while keeping your temper under control?

4. Papers Please

Is attention to detail your strong suit? Are you seeking a unique gaming experience? If so, I’ve got two words for you. Papers, Please. This title gives you the chance to experience the thrilling life of an immigration inspector.  

The launch trailer for Papers Please.

In the aftermath of war, the city of Grestin is once again shared between countries. Enter you. An immigration inspector or in other words a filter. You will inspect peoples’ papers and either let them through or deny their approval.

She looks guilty yet her papers check out, what will you do?

Work as quickly as you can. Time is limited and whether your family has enough sustenance depends on accuracy and efficiency.   

Graphics aren’t the focal point here, they are a means for telling the story. It’s all about the papers. And whether or not you have the skills to pay the bills.

3. Rayman Legends

Is art your cup of tea? Get up close and personal with some art as you’re sucked right into a painting. Thankfully your friends are teleported into this new world full of monsters and treasure. If you can survive long enough to reap it, of course. 

Rayman Legends gameplay from E3 in 2013.

Rayman Legends takes its place alongside other solid releases in the series and even opens up new venues of excitement. Legends offers you and three of your friends the chance to gang up on some baddies. Feel free to drop in and out of the game as time permits. Thanks to the UbiArt engine, Legends boasts enough eye candy to send your glycemic index through the roof. The entire game utilizes the new engine so environments will draw you in all the more. Effects will give you the magical tingles that gamers know and love. And boss encounters will require full brain power if victory is your goal.

Symmetry this cool can only mean they saved the world.

Platformer fans, Rayman Legends is worthy of your time. Bust open some sunflower seeds and get to it.

2. The Stanley Parable

Meet Stanley, a corporate workhorse content plugging away on his corporate keyboard. Day after day. He loves the routine and the routine loves him. But something has to give, doesn’t it?

The official launch trailer for The Stanley Parable.

The Stanley Parable is classified as an exploration game. Although horror seems more appropriate after watching the trailer.  Prepare to question everything, even the questions in question.

Two cups, one girl?

This title began its life as a Source mod and has since seen a lot of love. Not only in the form of content but artistic touch-up as well. The developers have slapped up a demo for anyone intrigued but not willing to shell out the cash to check it out.

Being a fan of exploration games, it's time to check out the demo for myself.

1. Europa Universalis IV

If strategy games get your heart pumping and you haven’t played Europa Universalis IV, well what are you doing with your life? This title is categorized as a grand strategy game and is brought to you by the talented team at Paradox Interactive.

A community trailer for Europa Universalis IV.

What seems like your typical divide and conquer strategy game is much more. Europa Universalis piles tons of extra goodness onto the tried and true formula strategy fans know and love.

In Europa, there is no shortage of territory to explore.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about this game is that it can be modified. By all means enjoy the preinstalled campaigns. But once those are stale, head to the Steam Workshop and load up history variations. Play solo or with your friends. And delight in evolving economies, power struggles, and betrayal.  

It’s hard to believe that games such as BioShock Infinite will soon be turning 4 years old. Don’t let time bury games as good as the ones you've just read about, dust them off and experience greatness.  

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