[Top 15] Stardew Valley Best Mods of Today

Stardew Valley Best Mods
11 Dec 2023

If you’re looking to enhance the gameplay experience of Stardew Valley, look no further than some incredible mods created by Pelican Town lovers from across the globe. Whether you’re looking to expand the bachelor/bachelorette pool or make it easier to perform in-game tasks, these mods will surely enhance your Stardew Valley experience. 

15.  Seasonal Villager Outfits 

The Seasonal Villager Outfits Mod is a cosmetic mod that changes the NPC appearance throughout the different seasons. Most if not all villagers receive a cosmetic change. 

Why This Mod is Fun

  • Adds cosmetic differences to the existing game. Allowing for a larger variety in NPC life. 
  • Cosmetic changes also extend to in game events. (Stardew Valley Fair, Egg Festival, Luau, etc.) 
  • For players largely playing for relationships and NPC gameplay, this allows for a fun more personable take on NPC life. 

Get Seasonal Villagers Outfits Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2449

14. Simple Crop Label

The Simple Crop Label Mod is a quality of life mod that allows for players to identify planted crops through labeling. Taking away any player confusion while setting up their farm. 

Why This Mod is Fun

  • Simple Crop Label helps increase farm organization 
  • Helps newer players identify which crop is which at both early and late stages of harvest
  • Helps players keep track of the crops they have planted. 

Get Simple Crop Label Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/314

13.  Better Ranching

The Better Ranching Mod is a quality of life mod that allows for the player to identify if animals need attention. This works for both barn and coop animals. 

Why This Mod is Fun

  • For players without an auto-grabber, it takes the hassle of animal care away.
  • Prevents failed milking attempts.
  • Prevents failed sheering attempts. 

Get Better Ranching Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/859

12. Bathroom After 2nd House Upgrade

The Bathroom After 2nd House Upgrade allows for the player to purchase a house upgrade that adds on a personal bathroom similar to the spa to their home. The bathroom is connected to the spouses room. 

Why this Mod is Fun

  • Gives players the regenerating ability of the spa in their own home.
  • Adds a new quality of life extension to the home.
  • Adds square feet to the player home. 

Get Bathroom After 2nd House Upgrade Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/299

11. Child Age Up

The Child Age Up Mod allows for the player's children to grow up and have a purpose outside of the current restrictions that Stardew Valley currently holds. Children take after the spouse that the player chooses. If you’re like me, this mod is what you’ve been wanting in the current game for years. 

Why this Mod is Fun

  • Children have activities and hold dialogue.
  •  Children grow up past the toddler age.
  • Children leave the home (finally!). 

Get Child Age Up Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5810

10. Skull Cavern Elevator 


The Skull Cavern Elevator Mod adds an elevator to the Skull Cavern in the desert. Similar to the elevator located at the Mines in Pelican Town. 

Why this Mod is Fun

  • Makes traveling through Skull Cavern easier.
  • Saves floor status every five floors.
  • Is a great quality of life addition.

Get Skull Cavern Elevator Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/963

9. Tractor Mod

The Tractor Mod is a quality of life mod that allows for players to purchase a tractor garage from Robin’s Shop. The tractor is a drivable vehicle used on the players farm. 

Why This Mod is Fun: 

  • Allows players to hoe the ground quicker. 
  • Allows players to clear wood and stone off of the farm.
  • Gives players mobility.

Get Tractor Mod Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1401

8. NPC Map Locations 

The NPC Map Locations Mod allows players to view the location of villagers throughout the in-game day. All villagers are visible from the map at all times. 

Why This Mod is Fun: 

  • Makes tracking down villagers easier.
  • Speeds up relationship building.
  • Helps players see when store-owners are in.

Get NPC Map Locations Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/239

7. Automate 

The Automate Mod allows players to link machines and chests to collect raw materials. All craftable machines are compatible with this mod. 

Why This Mod is Fun:

  • Simplifies the collection process.
  • Allows for stocking of items into seed makers, crab pots, etc. 
  • Gives the player ability to maximize resources without the hassle.

Get Automate Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063

6. Chests Anywhere 

The Chest Anywhere Mod allows players to have an accessible set of chests wherever they go. The chests are located within the inventory menu. 

Why this Mod is Fun: 

  • Gives players more space while traveling (as opposed to just their backpack).
  • Allows players to store important items outside their inventory without traveling back to the farm.
  • Helps players organize. 

 Get Chests Anywhere Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/518

5. Lookup Anything

The Lookup Anything Mod allows players to access facts about villagers, machines, and other in-game items at any time. Similar to having the Official Stardew Valley Wiki in-game.

Why This Mod is Fun

  • Assists players in gaining friendship points.
  • Assists players to see furnace and crystalarium times.
  • Shows how much time until a fence breaks.

Get Lookup Anything Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/541

4. Content Patcher

The Content Patcher Mod is a cosmetic mod that changes in game images. Similar to a texture pack in Minecraft. This mod is extremely easy to use and install. 

Why This Mod is Fun:

  • Game Data and Images are changed without the replacement of XNB Files.
  • Mod can make changes based on weather, date, festivals/events, relationships, etc.
  • Mod allows for automatic updates and compatibility checks. 

Get Content Patcher Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1915

3. Stardew Valley Expanded

Stardew Valley Expanded is a quality of life mod that adds new locations, new NPCs with corresponding events, and a new village. This mod reimagines the world of Stardew Valley!

Why This Mod is Fun:

  • Players get a larger map to explore. 
  • Players can choose new marriage candidates and experience new cutscenes.
  • The player's farm is expanded.

Get Stardew Valley Expanded Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3753

2. CJB Item Spawner

The CJB Item Spawner Mod allows the player to spawn in any amount of any item in the game at any time. For players interested in creating a modded save, this makes it easier for in-game projects and fun! 

Why This Mod is Fun: 

  • Gives players the option to summon any item at any time.
  • Allows players to spawn in an unlimited amount of seeds.
  • Maximizes the money making process. 

Get CJB Item Spawner Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/93

1. CJB Cheats Menu

Arguably the best Stardew Valley Mod available to players is the CJB Cheats Menu. This mod grants a menu with multiple in game cheats for players to access. 

Why This Mod is Fun: 

  • Cheat Examples include: changing the weather, changing the time, speeding up the process of machines, etc.
  • Overall this mod allows players to manipulate the in game days. 
  • Works in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

Get CJB Cheats Menu Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4

    That concludes my list of the Top 15 Stardew Valley Mods of Today! I don’t know about you but I'm about to set up some mods and take advantage of the incredible work submitted by fans of Stardew Valley. Let’s see how many NPC’s I can marry and then immediately divorce with Stardew Valley Expanded! Wish me luck!

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