Smash Ultimate Best Characters 2019

Smash Ultimate Best Characters
11 Dec 2023

Smash Ultimate, the newest Smash Bros game, is still fresh in our world.

Gamers scramble to create definitive character ranking lists by pulling together data to give a character the label of “Greatest Smash Ultimate Character”.

So how do we even create some form of ranking system when there are so many aspects of data to pull together, power, weight, run, wins in tournaments. I have scoured through the Internet to pull all of this data together to create a ranked tier list of the best Smash Ultimate Characters. Here are the classes starting with the best class and going to the worst.

S Class (The best of the best. These characters are tried and true. Some of the best skill combinations, they balanceing out power with agility evenly. Considered to give a significant advantage.)

  • Peach
  • Inkling
  • Pichu
  • Ike
  • Palutena
  • Olimar

A Class (Quality picks that will give you a great performance too. These characters are great but not to the level of being considered the best. Considered to give a slight advantage.)

  • Fox
  • Wolf
  • Lucina
  • Marth
  • Snake

B Class (Middle of the road picks. These are the average smash players. Will give neither an advantage or disadvantage.)

  • Link
  • Cloud
  • Bayonetta
  • Daisy
  • Donkey Kong
  • Falco
  • Fox
  • Pikachu
  • Sonic
  • Roy
  • Bowser
  • Captain Falcon
  • Diddy Kong
  • Ganondorf
  • Greninja
  • Isabelle
  • Ivysaur
  • Meta Knight
  • Pokemon Trainer
  • Sheik
  • Shulk
  • Simon
  • Snake
  • Squirtle
  • Wario
  • Young Link

C Tier (Dipping into the selections that could be a hindrance to gameplay. Some sort of weakness plagues each of these picks. But nothing to make them unusable. A slight disadvantage.)

  • Yoshi
  • Charizard
  • Corrin
  • Incineroar
  • Ken
  • King K. Rool
  • Lucas
  • Mewtwo
  • Mii Swordfighter
  • Ness
  • Piranha Plant
  • R.O.B
  • Ridley
  • Toon Link
  • Zelda
  • Zero Suit Samus
  • Dark Pit

D Tier (The bottom of the barrel. There’s not much about these characters that will put you ahead of other players. Considered to be a significant disadvantage.)

  • Wii Fit Trainer
  • Pit
  • Dark Pit
  • Mario
  • Samus
  • Dark Samus
  • Ryu
  • Rosalina & Luma
  • Villager
  • Mii Brawler
  • Mii Gunner
  • Lucario
  • Bowser Jr.
  • King Dedede
  • Luigi
  • Dr. Mario
  • Mr. Game & Watch
  • Mega Man
  • Jigglypuff
  • Little Mac
  • Pac Man
  • Kirby
  • Duck Hunt
  • Ice Climbers
  • Robin

Peach (S-Tier)

Peach is dainty and deadly. She is used by beginners and pros alike. A legendary pick that has proved to be worthy herself in casual gaming and tournaments.

  • Diverse Gameplay
  • Heavy Pressure
  • Great Recovery
  • Great Attack
  • Mid Sized

Power rating: 95/100

2. Inkling (S-Tier)

A newcomer to the world of smash but a welcomed addition. She has been adopted by mainy as a main. She continues to impress.

  • Quick
  • Kill Early
  • Slippery Movements
  • Combo-Heavy
  • High Initial Dash

Power rating: 96/100

3. Pichu (S-Tier)

Pikachu's similar counterpart offers up a lighter alternative that can provide quite the advantage. With a different set of combos Pichu has proven to be top tier for Ultimate.

  • Light
  • High Falling Speed
  • Less Recoil Damage
  • Strong Forward Tilt
  • Electric Attacks

Power rating: 94/100

4. Ike (S-Tier)

Ike, a classic pick for the previous titles of Smash 4 and Brawl, returns back to one of the top spots in the franchise. A fan favorite that is consistently a strong contender.

  • Heavyweight
  • Fast Falling Speed
  • Powerful Attacks
  • Pressuring
  • Long Range

Power rating: 97/100

5. Palutena (S-Tier)

Palutena was introduced in the Smash 4 generation and was kept around for this current iteration of smash. She still remains a solid cornerstone in the game.

  • Light Mid-Weight
  • Fast Dashing
  • Fast Air Acceleration
  • Quick Ground Movements
  • Easily Changes Direction Mid Air

Power rating: 94/100

6.Olimar (S-Tier)

Olimar had earned a top tier ranking among most Smash players during the Brawl era but there was a significant drop in skill level during Smash 4. Now we see those skills coming back in full force aiding Olimar in becoming a force to be reckoned with in Smash Ultimate.

  • Great Ground Game
  • High Air Acceleration
  • High Damage Attack
  • Projectiles
  • High Traction

Power rating: 93/100

7.  Fox (A-Tier)

Fox is one of the staples of the Smash franchise. He has been with gamers since the beginning with the original Nintendo 64 Smash Bros. A favorite back then and a favorite now.

  • High Speed
  • Great Recovery
  • Rushdown Style
  • Low Weight
  • High Offense

Power rating: 92/100

8. Wolf (A-Tier)

Although the mobility and physics of the Star Fox characters are all relatively the same, Wolf holds his own with a unique gameplay that makes him worthy of being called one of the best.

  • Versatile
  • Fast Initial Dash
  • High Falling Speed
  • Hit Stun
  • High Air Speed

Power rating: 92/100

9. Lucina (A-Tier)

Maintaining the characteristics of all the Fire Emblem characters, Lucina packs quite a punch for being the size she is.

  • Forward Smash
  • High Speed
  • Light Mid Weight
  • Consistent Damage Output
  • Overall Mobility

Power rating: 91/100

10. Marth (A-Tier)

Marth has been a consistent high tier choice since his introduction to the franchise. This trend only keeps going in Smash Ultimate.

  • Precision
  • Zoning
  • Fast Speed
  • High Mobility
  • Good Range

Power rating: 92/100

11. Snake (A-Tier)

Earned himself a top tier placement during his debut in Brawl but disappeared and reappeared for his spot in Ultimate which shows the very powerful and unique Snake back at it again.

  • Projectiles
  • Reduced Startup for Moves
  • High Endurance
  • Not as Slow

Power rating: 90/100

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