[Top 10] Sims 4 Best Occult Mods We Love!

11 Dec 2023

10. Expanded Mermaids

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8hF4AlfDqU&t=23s

Thanks to Island Living, we are introduced to the world of mermaids! However, I think we can all agree that the magic from such a creature is quite lacking. This mod expands your sim’s knowledge of the beauty behind the tails by introducing mermaid lore and more!

Why it makes your game more fun:

  • Understand the world of mermaids more!
  • Mermaid Lore
  • Mermaid Magic 

Get the mod here: https://modthesims.info/d/630179/expanded-mermaids.html


9. Witchcraft Career


See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBFV0wmTZcI&t=685s

Witchcraft is amazing on it’s own already, but have you thought of making it a career? Haven’t you heard that you’re supposed to take on a job that you love? If witchcraft happens to be one of them, this mod is for you.

How this makes your game more fun:

  • Hobby turned to passion turned to career
  • Be a professional witch
  • Make simoleons doing what atch your sims love 

Get the mod here: https://midnitetech.tumblr.com/post/184987505877/witchcraft-career-for-diane-you-can-use-mc


8. Mortician Career

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBFV0wmTZcI&t=685s

Let’s get one thing straight, dead people don’t get enough credit in this game. With the mortician career, your sim will be able to bury the dead, preserve the bodies, and in perhaps a creepy sense, celebrate the life of your now dead sim.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Preserve your dead sims
  • Participate in the burial of your sims
  • Death is beautiful. I mean it. 

Get the mod here: https://midnitetech.tumblr.com/post/185911520222/mortician-career-heres-a-request-from

7. Wands

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBFV0wmTZcI&t=685s

In the Realm of Magic pack, you get to experiment and work with all kinds of magic, including wands! All us Harry Potter and Merlin fans fans know and understand the sheer iimportance of wands. With this mod, your sims will be able to work with functioning customized wands for those who deal with the world of magic.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Functional wands!
  • Customized wands!
  • Enhance your experience with the realm of magic 

Get the mod here: https://peanutbutterjelly02.tumblr.com/post/187732241790/ts3-to-ts4-wands-functional-i-loved-the-wands


6. Potions Shop

SeeSee how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBFV0wmTZcI&t=685s

Who knew you could make a business out of making potions? Wait, you didn’t know?!? Well in that case, this mod will allow your sims to sell their potions, brewed from our favorite pot just by the way, and make simoleons!

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Potions business babyyyy
  • Your business could be full time or just a thing on the side
  • Combine the world of business with the world of magic!

Get the mod here: https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/187731460833/mod-updates

5. Familiar Interactions Mod

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBFV0wmTZcI&t=685s

Thanks to the Realm of Magic, we are introduced to the most adorable creatures in the Sims (besides Mortimer Goth), Familiars! This mod allows your sims to actually interact with them therefore further enhancing their experience with the world of magic by connecting with the creatures.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Interact with the familiars!
  • Learn more about the world of magic
  • Become an educated sorcerer with the help of the Familiars

Get the mod here: https://simsmodelsimmer.tumblr.com/post/187747400206/familiar-interactions-mod


4. Vampires Can Kill Vampires

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRzyqE-sZOk&t=188s

I agree, it is a little unsettling with the fact how scary vampires are and having their abilities limited to weaknesses from the sun and merely drinking plasma from passer-bys. But with this mod, your vampire sims are able to be the creepy vampires we all know thanks to Dracula and the Vampire Diaries, by killing and actually seriously slaying other vampires that dare to compete with them.

Why this makes your game more fun: 

  • Truly experience what vampires would be like
  • Realism... sort of
  • Still a better love story than twilight 

Get the mod here: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=594070


3. Torture and Chaos

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QRt07XMl2c

I figured this would be a plausible mod to put after describing the true nature of vampires. With this mod, your sim can experience witchcraft in a way by torturing those sims who simply do not deserve to live. Even in a simulation.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Create havoc in the sim world
  • Do the local towns and communities justice by eliminating those who cause trouble
  • Or troll everyone and get rid of the good sims and create a sim hell :)

Get the mod here: https://modthesims.info/d/586477/ts4-torture-amp-chaos-v-1-3.html



2. Enhanced Aliens

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjYRxqdHbGc

Aliens may just be the coolest creatures of the sims. Perhaps that’s just my opinion. But they deserve more and they’ll be way more fun to play with this mod.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • Learn more about your alien sims
  • Unlock cool features with your aliens!
  • Create a more interesting storyline with the life of your aliens

Get the mod here: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/177370689945/enhanced-aliens-mod-v10-created-for-the-sims-4


1. Ogres 

See how the mod works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcmAereIRXs

Shrek would be proud. And that’s exactly the reason this mod exists in the first place. Prove me wrong. But with this particular occult mod, it isn’t just an enhancement or an addition to the already existing gameplay, but it introduces an entirely new species of the supernatural, the ogre.

Why this makes your game more fun:

  • This is basically a free expansion pack
  • Experience playing as ogres 
  • Have the opportunity to create storylines from Shrek

Get the mod here: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/186207433010/ogre-mod-created-for-the-sims-4-by-kawaiistacie

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