[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Most Banned Maps (Ranked)

11 Dec 2023

 [Top 10] On this list some of these maps might not be the maps that you ban, but these are the most banned maps for many reasons. You can truly enjoy these maps and that’s okay. You are wishing to play on the map for Ranked and you may get out voted by the other players. 


10. Clubhouse

This map is full of wood, it has wood floors, wood walls, and some wooden entry points. This is a very small map to play on. Being an attacker can make it a bit difficult to find an entry point because they do spawn peeking in the front of the building. 

  Why is Clubhouse highly banned:
  • Fuze can be highly used on this map.

  • Too many wooden walls to be able to shoot through.

  • Defenders can spawn peek.


9. Outback 

This is one of the maps that is spawn peak central. This is also another big map, but it is limited to how attackers enter. Once you spawn in you have to move quickly otherwise you have a higher chance of being spawn killed. 

  Why is Outback highly banned: 
  • This map is to the defender's advantage because of the amount of entryways.

  • Defenders have an easier way to hide on this map.

  • Defenders can spawn peek.


8.Theme Park


The map was released in 2017 and had some rework done to it in 2019. This map has very few spawn peaks, but the spot where the defenders are at is the side steps to the left. This is another big map and most Siege players do not like playing on the big maps. 

  Why is Theme Park highly banned: 
  • Many hiding places for defenders.

  • An easy map for defenders.

  • Also has a spot above the steps that defenders or attackers can use.



A map that came out in 2015 and had some rework done to it in 2020. The rework was a great addition to the map and made the map better for both sides, but that doesn’t stop defenders from spawn peaking. This map is pretty big, but it is not too bad to play on. This map does give defenders a slight upper hand because they have the first move.

  Why is Chalet  highly banned:
  • Let defenders peek from anywhere.

  • Have attackers going through the basement most of the time.

  • Too many entryways for some of the rooms.


6. Bank

On Bank defenders like to run outside and spawn peaks. Most players don’t spawn in front of the building, but usually the side or the back. This map is banned a lot because of how quickly the defenders try to end the match. It did have minor rework.

  Why is Bank highly banned::
  • Defenders can spawn peek.

  • Easy for defenders to get kills if they have the right angle. 

  • Easy for attackers to eliminate more than one person at a time depending on where they are at. 




A piece of the map description says, “The land belongs to the Vinciguerra, a dangerous crime family known for their smuggling activities.” This map was released in 2018, but didn't get a rework yet. This is a very big map and has all types of rooms. It’s not easy for defenders to get a spawn peak, but they can be waiting by doors. 

  Why is Villa highly banned::
  • More space for attackers to run around and go through.

  • Easier for defenders to hide.

  • A fair amount of wooden doors and windows.



This map is big and can be confusing. There are a lot of entryways for attackers. Defenders are not as lucky if they stay sitting in one room because not many rooms get barricades. This is also not an easy map to roam on.

  Why is Kanal highly banned:
  • Attackers have more of an advantage.

  • A big map.

  • Smaller rooms to barricade.. 



This map has a lot of wood on it. It was released in 2016. This is a map that you should roam on because you can easily get run down. This map is great for attackers who can blow through walls. Players usually don’t play on this map because of the small rooms that you have to defend in. 

  Why is Border highly banned:
  • Easier for attackers to come through.

  • Defenders can roam around.  

  • Does have a few spawn peek spots. 


2.  Emerald Plains

This is one of the newer maps and even then not everyone likes it. It is a huge map to play on and it has tons of entry ways and drop downs. Most people banned the map because they don’t want to learn the new map and adding in the size of the map makes it a lot easier for it to get banned.

  Why is Emerald Plains highly banned:
  • If you are defending, it gives you many options on how to defend a room.

  • If you are attacking, you can sneak in various ways.

  • This map gives defenders more of a free range.



This map is huge, with a lot of rooms for you to defend, some rooms are easier thanothers. There are a few spawn peeks, but not too many of them. This is an easy map to roam on if you are defending, many rooms for you to be in, but you do have to be careful just in case an attacker is lurking from the windows. 

  Why is the Consulate highly banned:
  • Defenders have a bit of an upper hand. 

  • Attackers can watch from a window to shoot at the other team.

  • A Small amount of wooden walls and windows to barricade. 


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