[Top 11] Mobile Legends Best Marksman That Wreck Hard!

best marksman in mlbb
11 Dec 2023

Talk about power!

Mobile Legends has a lot of heroes to offer for its players. It has tanks, mages, fighters, supports, assassins, and marksmen. But for today, we will talk about one aspect of these roles, and that is being the marksman hero of the team.

Marksman heroes are expected to grace the gold lane. It is in order for them to earn as much gold as possible and buy items since they are often the most fragile in the team. With new hero releases and meta, let us check who among these marksman heroes is the most powerful.


11. Hanabi

Befriend the shadows.

Hanabi is one of those heroes who truly ranked higher than before due to some changes made to her. Hanabi can now hit multiple heroes just by her basic attack. This is one of the major changes for her. Before, her first skill made her basic attacks ricochet to hit enemies. Now, this AOE damage is transferred as her passive ability.

Her current first skill is now designed to give her a shield, attack speed, movement speed, and immunity, which is a very good skill to escape against enemies. Hanabi also gained a higher hit rate because if she landed her ultimate skill accurately, her physical damage against them increased. Subsequent hits on the target will also deal an additional 20% damage. The changes made to Hanabi make her a very deadly opponent for close combat heroes like Terizla and Freya.

What makes Hanabi a Great Marksman: 

  • AOE Damage - Hanabi has great AOE damage that allows her to hit more than one enemy at once. This is helpful to keep her safe from a distance while attacking.
  • Late game damage - Every Hanabi user knows that she is a late bloomer. You have to wait until she gains enough items to maximize her damage.
  • Can stun enemies - Hanabi’s ultimate skill  can immobilize enemies and refrain them from moving.

See Hanabi In action: 

SAVAGE & 2x MANIAC!! Hanabi Crazy Lifesteal with Brutal Damage!! - Build Top 1 Global Hanabi ~ MLBB


10. Clint

Pure guns, no roses.

With his sleek revolver and explosive bullets, Clint can knock off enemies even from a distance because of his strong burst damage. On top of that, Clint can also damage multiple enemies at once due to his basic attack. When using him, you just have to be mindful of his high mana usage, so buy equipment items that can solve this problem, such as Endless Battle.

Skillwise, Clint is a very reliable marksman. His passive and first skill deals high burst damage. He can utilize this to easily melt the HP of enemies. After each skill cast, the basic attack of Clint, within 4 seconds, will hit a line of enemies, dealing extra physical damage. To add, his first skill also allows him to fire 5 bullets consecutively, hitting nearby enemies. His second skill is perfect for escaping or ganking, as this immobilizes enemies for 1.2 seconds.

Clint’s damage is very effective against those with less range than him, like Miya and Irithel.

What makes Clint a Great Marksman: 

  • Easy to use - If you are a beginner and want to use a hero with smooth and powerful skills, you can definitely use Clint.
  • Long range- Due to Clint’s long-range attack and passive, he can even attack turrets outside of its range.
  • Burst damage - Clint deals burst damage, which becomes deadly every second that passes by. This burst damage can immobilize enemies. 

See Clint In action: 

34 Kills!! Clint Crazy LifeSteal with Brutal Damage!! - Build Top 1 Global Clint ~ MLBB


9. Yi Sun-shin

Gotta admire the admiral.

Yi Sun-shin probably never left the meta for quite some time now. He remains to be the hero that is ready to sail into battle no matter what. Yi Sun-shin embodies this powerful commander who is prepared to protect his constituents. With his ability to switch between shooting enemies from a distance and sword fighting at close combat, he can make a good pick as a jungler.

Yi Sun-shin is considered to have 59% difficulty when using, with 70% in durability and 79% in offense. His skills have duality, as it varies depending on whether he hits with or without his turtle ship. With every weapon swap, Yi Sun-hin gains a guaranteed critical strike in his next two basic attacks, making him very deadly. On top of that, he also gains an additional 20% movement speed and reduces his cooldown by a second. 

What makes Yi Sun-shin a Great Marksman: 

  • Map attack - This is probably the one skill that separates Yi Sun-shin from the rest. He can damage all enemies on the map, even those hiding in the bush.
  • Strong in the late game - With Yi Sun-shin’s ability, he thrives in the late game. So, be sure to avoid getting too aggressive in the early game.
  • Can easily escape - Since marksman heroes are fragile, they are often the first target of enemies. But Yi Sun-shin will give you a run for your money before you catch him.

See Yi Sun-shinIn action: 

96% Win Rate YSS, Double MANIAC Gameplay [ Top Global 1 ] Wiʟʟ Kɴow Hᴇɴx Yi Sun Shin Mobile Legends


8. Bruno

Kick your way to victory!

Bruno has always been a force to be reckoned with. But with the latest update, he becomes even more dangerous. He only sports a difficulty of 30% but an offense of 90%. The only downside is his durability of 46%.

He recently gained an increase in his crit chance and basic attack damage due to his passive, which is why he can easily penetrate through enemy defences. Bruno’s first skill can damage and slow enemies by 30% for 0.5 seconds. His second skill offers a blink skill for Bruno, which is good when escaping. This skill can also stun enemies for 0.5 seconds, which can serve as his CC. Lastly, the ultimate skill of Bruno allows him to kick a large energy ball that dals up to 83% increase in his total physical attack, knocking enemies that get hit by it. Each hit of this energy ball will also reduce the enemy’s defense up to 8% for 8 seconds.

 Bruno deals so much damage that is highly effective against heroes with low DPS than him, such as Karrie and Claude.

What makes Bruno a Great Marksman: 

  • Agile - Bruno’s skills are quick and difficult to catch, which is why he has good escape skills.
  • Large damage- As mentioned, Bruno is at leverage against other marksmen because of his crit and basic damage.
  • Has CC skills - Bruno is very annoying to fight against because he provides stuns and knockbacks.

See Bruno  In action: 

Fast End!! Bruno Unstoppable Gameplay - Top 1 Global Bruno by Cik. - Mobile Legends


7. Moskov

Level up your game!

Moskov is known for having this unique ability to stun enemies against walls, which is why he is a decent choice if you want to carry your team when playing ranked games. The recent updates made on him make him a very popular choice now in the gold lane. Just by using proper build and itemisation, you can surely knock out enemies in one skill.

Moskov’s passive allow him to penetrate a target and deal damage to enemies behind the target. If the basic attack hits the target successfully, the cooldown of his first and second skills will be reduced by 0.8 seconds. His first skill helps him teleport to a designated position, increasing his attack speed up to 70% for 3 seconds. Next, the second skill of Moskov offers CC and damage. When he strikes an enemy and the enemy collides with another enemy hero, both of them will be stunned for 1.5 seconds. If the target collided with an obstacle, he will also be stunned in the same amount of time.

What makes Moskov a Great Marksman: 

  • Strong in the late game- Moskov is never a bloomer in the early game. You need to wait for him to buy some damage items in order to heighten her skills. No one can stop him once he reaches his ultimate scaling in the late game.
  • Fast attack speed - Moskov’s very high attacking speed is something to look forward to. If you pair him with the Inspire spell, he can even become deadlier and more difficult to stop.
  • Escape mechanism - Moskov can blink from one place to another with his skills. You can spam this to avoid being caught by enemies. 

See Moskov In action: 



6. Beatrix

Attack with diverse weapons on hand.

Beatrix is a very unique marksman that can transform into different forms. She deals a great amount of burst damage potential that she can easily tear down an enemy’s HP in such a short period of time. 

Her weapons allow her to deal damage from a distance and up close. This makes her a very deadly opponent, no matter where she is positioned. The only thing that you have to remember with Beatrix is to make sure to cast her skill accurately.

Beatrix has the speciality of finisher and damage. Although she only has a durability of 20%, heroffense ranges to 75% with a control effect of 65%. Her buff also has 4 variations, depending on the weapon she chose. The one thing to remember about Beatrix is the fact that she cannot crit. So for every critical chance she gets from items and builds, it converts into a physical attack.

What makes Beatrix a Great Marksman: 

  • Varied attacks - Beatrix can offer diverse attacks with her 4 weapons. All these weapons are useful in their own ways.
  • Clear lanes easily - With Beatrix’s damage, even on her basic attack, she clears waves faster than other marksman heroes.
  • Hard to catch - Beatrix is very agile and too quick to catch. Her skills are built to easily defend her from prying enemies, so she can easily move around the map with her blink skills.

See Beatrix In action: 



5. Natan

Unravel Natan's greatness.

Natan has the ability to deal magic damage with his basic attacks. He can also increase his movement speed and attack speed when dealing damage with his skills, stacking it up to 6 times. This is good whenever you are on 1 vs. 1 fights. In addition, Natan is also good at pushing because of his ultimate ability, which results in a reverse clone of Natan. 

The recent change in him increased his buff. His passive now has a base physical attack of 115, while his physical attack growth increased to 11.8. Always remember that since Natan is a mixed-damage hero, he converts 100% of his physical lifesteal to magic lifesteal. In addition, his passive also grants him up to 15% of extra attack speed and 7.5% of movement speed.

Natan’s Reverse Clone is something that keeps him on the meta. This ultimate skill allows Natan to summon a clone of himself. This clone copies his moves and attacks, only that it does these things in reverse.

What makes Natan a Great Marksman: 

  • Stack ability - As mentioned, Natan has a passive that allows him to stack his skill. This stack will increase his attack speed without even using an item.
  • High attack speed - Marksman heroes are known for being good hitters. But Natan is a good hitter with very high attack speed due to his passive and itemization.
  • CC Skills - Natan’s second skill enables him to knock back enemies. This is very helpful when ganking.

See Natan In action: 

MANIAC!! Unstoppable Monster Natan [ Top 3 Global Natan ] Sannn. - Mobile Legends Emblem And Build


4. Lesley

Ready to snipe.

Lesley is a very basic hero, which is why some of you might wonder why she is in a very high position compared to other heroes. Well, after her adjustments, she has become a more powerful sniper that must be frightened of. Now, she can easily kill a squishy hero in just two bullets in the late game. Even tank heroes easily melt down because of Lesley’s true damage. 

The recent change made to Lesley drastically changed a lot on her. Her buff has gained an extra 10% crit change. Although her damage was nerfed to 1.2, she gained an additional new effect which is an enhanced basic attack of 20%. Her first skill’s extra movement speed also increased by 10%, and she now gains double energy restoration when in her Camouflage state. 

What makes Lesley a Great Marksman: 

  • Long-range attacks - The first good thing about Lesley is her very far skills. You can easily kill enemies from a distance and can even detect those enemies hiding in a bush near you.
  • Very easy to use - Lesley has very basic attacks that you can easily master. So do not worry because she does not have very complicated skills.
  • Gains immunity - Lesley’s first skill allows her to increase her movement speed and be invincinbleagainst attacks. 

See Lesley In action: 

No Mercy 19 Kills, Nonstop Legendary Lesley [ Top Global Lesley ] Vanapedia. - Mobile Legends Build


3. Kimmy

Aim high with a high-tech gun.

Kimmy is armed with her high-tech gun that can shoot enemies easily. Kimmy has to be mindful when aiming her attacks in order to target enemies accurately. The unique thing about Kimmy is that she does not have to stop shooting whenever she’s walking. This makes her a very difficult hero to catch and kill.

The latest change in Kimmy increased mainly her passive and first skills. She now has an attack range of 5.5. Her first skill’s base damage increased to 32. Meanwhile, her passive has an additional new effect, which is restoring 15 of her energy every time she kills an enemy. These changes made Kimmy a hero to be scared during picking, which is why she often got banned. 

Kimmy is perfect against heroes that need to attack closely, such as fighters and tanks.

What makes Kimmy a Great Marksman: 

  • Mixed-damage hero - Kimmy can deal both physical and magic damage, making her deal very deadly damage against enemies.
  • Agile - Kimmy can attack while moving. This makes her very unique since not many marksmen can do this. 
  • Wide range of attacks - By firing a bazooka from afar, Kimmy can defintely disrupt enemy formation easily. On top of that, Kimmy is also designed to inflict great damage from a distance, even on her basic attacks.

See Kimmy In action: 

Legendary Kimmy Double MVP Gameplay - Top 1 Global Kimmy by Cesur01 YouTube - Mobile Legends


2. Brody

Be bright and fierce with Brody.

Brody immediately has good damage output at the beginning of the game. This makes him have a good farming ability. On top of that, Brody also enjoys a unique passive of being able to move while attacking. He is almost like Kimmy, only that you can lock his attacks on enemies. This allows him to increase his movement speed and damage against marked targets.

After marking his targets, Brody can activate his ultimate skill to deal damage from a safer distance. His ultimate damage allows him to hit multiple enemies at once. The more marks the enemy has on them, the more painful the damage is.

Brody is a burst hero and specializes in finishing the kill. His durability and offense are so high, sporting 60% and 85%, respectively. Brody is a good marksman for players because he can compete with agile assassins and fighters due to his movement speed and attack range. 

What makes Brody a Great Marksman: 

  • Very long-range attack - Brody’s skills all allow him to attack from a safer distance. When you pair this with his ability to move while attacking, this makes him a tough hero to catch.
  • Stun enemies - Brody can lock a target and stun them. This allows him to bounce against this enemy and escape. 
  • Can do solo - Brody’s abilities allow him to be independent. He has an advantage during laning and solo fights.

See Brody In action: 

Perfect SAVAGE!! Brody Unstoppable Mode! - Top 1 Global Brody by IGotScoped - Mobile Legends


1. Melissa

You can never go wrong with Melissa.

The absolute marksman hero at the moment is Melissa. Her doll sets her apart from other marksman heroes as she can shoot it towards enemies. The attacks from her doll allow her to slow the target and deal damage when Melissa is using her basic attack. This skill will enable her to boost her DPS against other heroes, making her a very deadly opponent in the lane.

Known as the cursed needle, Melissa is a mixed-damage type of hero. Her difficulty rises to 75%, with 85% in offense. Melissa is one of the newly introduced heroes in Mobile Legends that immediately gained the spotlight upon release. 

Melissa’s passive is mainly for minions and clearing up lanes. Meanwhile, her first skill increases her attack speed by 3 seconds by up to 75%. Every time she damages an enemy, this skill’s cooldown will be reduced by 1.5 seconds. So imagine how easy it is for Melissa to spam and poke enemies with this kind of ability. Her second skill slows enemies down, while her ultimate skill allows her to summon a field that prevents enemies from approaching her.

What makes Melissa a Great Marksman: 

  • Agile - Her skills allow her to move from one distance to another while attacking, which makes her difficult to catch. 
  • CC skills - Melissa’s ultimate skill allows her to trap enemies and refrain them from moving. With good positioning, she can definitely ace a game.
  • Protection - Melissa already has an innate skill that allows her to be protected. She releases a shield that can block enemies from approaching her.

See Melissa In action: 

Gank Me More!! Melissa Unstoppable Mode! - Top 1 Global Melissa by Aire - Mobile Legends


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