[Top 7] Minecraft Best Boot Enchantments

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11 Dec 2023

[Top 7] Minecraft Best Boot Enchantments

In a game like Minecraft, you’ll find yourself spending a lot of time traveling, exploring, and climbing. You’ll never want to go adventuring without some solid boots - just like in real life, a great pair of shoes can take you far, both figuratively and literally. Whether it’s leather or netherite, here are seven of the best enchantments to elevate your boot game (and support your back and arches!).

7. Unbreaking

Unbreaking isn’t a boot-specific enchantment, but this is a great enchantment to have on any piece of armor. It slows the rate of decay as the item that bears it takes blow after blow, so your boots - or any other piece of armor - will keep you safe and sound for a heck of a lot longer. 

  • Unbreaking increases your gear’s lifetime by 100%, and at level III, it increases your gear’s lifetime by 300%. 
  • This enchantment is available in three levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Unbreaking

6. Fire Protection

Another nonspecific enchantment that’s handy on any piece of armor is fire protection. This is a great enchantment to take with you to the nether, as its function is to, well, protect you from fire - it does this by reducing the length of time that you burn if you’ve been set ablaze. 

  • The simplest explanation of fire protection’s math is that it adds 8% of protection from fire for every level of enchantment. 
  • This enchantment is available in four levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Protection

5. Depth Strider

I recently wrote an article discussing great combinations of enchantments, all set under various themes. One happened to be a deep sea diving helmet. I recommended pairing that helmet with a Potion of Night Vision, but if you really want to max out your underwater efficiency, you’re going to want depth strider on your boots - it increases movement speed underwater.

  • Every level of this enchantment reduces the amount water slows you down by a third, and reduces the amount flowing water pushes you around, too! 
  • This enchantment is available in three levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Depth_Strider

4. Mending

Despite not being boot-specific, I ranked mending up here because it’s just so dang useful, regardless of how you wear it. You can place this enchantment on any piece of gear that’s likely going to endure a lot of wear and tear, so that, over time, that piece of gear repairs itself.

  • Mending uses experience points to repair your gear at a rate of two points of durability for each point of experience. 
  • This enchantment is available in one level of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mending

3. Soul Speed

Visiting the nether can be kind of a drag, what with the faces of the damned always contorted in pain in their eternal, sandy prison and grabbing at you from the dirt beneath your feet. Luckily, this enchantment can help you give those pesky souls the slip, by increasing movement speed on Soul Sand.

  • At max level, soul speed increases your speed by a whopping 61.5%.
  • This enchantment is available in three levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Speed

2. Feather Falling

As the OG dream boot enchantment, feather falling could have easily made the top of the list. Jumping off of high ledges and mountains is a staple of Minecraft gameplay - and, unfortunately, so is fall damage. Feather falling helps to minimize fall damage, so you can survive longer falls.

  • Feather falling reduces your fall damage by 12% for every level of enchantment. 
  • This enchantment is available in four levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Feather_Falling

1. Frost Walker

Feather falling walked so that frost walker could walk… on water. Yes, you heard me right - this enchantment essentially allows you to walk on water. By freezing the water source blocks underneath your feet as you approach them, you can instantly create ice block bridges that allow you to traverse entire oceans without sinking under the waves.

  • If the block ahead of you is a still water block at the same level as the one you’re currently standing on, you will automatically freeze it as you walk onto it.
  • This enchantment is available at two levels of potency.

Read more about this enchantment here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Frost_Walker

Without commands, some of these enchantments can’t be stacked onto the same pair of boots - that’s because, if you did, your sweet kicks would simply be too powerful for the Minecraft world. But, if you were to use commands to make the most powerful shoes known to mankind, I mean… I wouldn’t tell anyone! We’ll see you around. Happy gaming!

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