[Top 5] Kenshi Best Map Mods That Are Excellent

11 Dec 2023

Map mods are essential for Kenshi. They tell you specifically which zone you’re heading for, where to go, and many other things, depending on the type of the map. I’ll include a few map mods in this article and explain each one of them - what they’re good for and what the map presents. Let’s get started:

5. Kenshi Mapping Resources

Useful and underrated mod!

This mod allows you to save the locations with the iron and copper ores. The coordinates are shown in a chart where you can navigate to the ore that you’ve found. This mod also applies to roads, cities, factions, etc. A very useful and yet underrated mod!

Why this mod is awesome:

- Shows you a map of roads, ores, etc.

- Useful for making outposts

- Clean map(easy to read)

Download here:

4. Nice Map [Zones]


This mod basically lets you see the outlines for all the zones. This mod is useful if that’s all that you want to see - the zones. It’s also worth adding that the outlines are very exact and this mod will save your life if it’s your first time playing Kenshi.

Why this mod is great:

- Great for newer players

- Outlines are exact with the zones

- Easy to spot roads

Download here:


3. Political Map

Awesome if you wish to stay alive.

Political maps show the name of the factions on the map. This is excellent if you’re a newer player and this is your first rodeo - this is perfect if you want to avoid hostile territories like the Holy Nation, Cannibals, Southern Hive, etc. A must-have at the beginning of your Kenshi adventures!

Why this mod is great:

- Saves your life from getting enslaved or eaten alive

- Perfect if you’re unsure whether you should start an outpost in a specific zone or not

- Comes with a no-city version!

Download here:

2. Genesis - Map

The one that I use!

This map shows you the zones+their names. Again, this is great if you want to learn the map and avoid danger. It’s also simple and detailed when it comes to outlines. The map is well done in general and immersive but most importantly of all, there’s Beep on the bottom of the map - a genius idea!

Why this mod is great:

- Well readable map(zone names, accurate borders, etc)

- Each zone has a different color

- The colors are transparent and you can see the hills, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.

Download here:


1. In-Game Biome Map

It’s like Genesis, but slightly better!

This map does a better job at having accurate borders - the Genesis map is great, but I’ve noticed slight inaccuracies when it comes to the borders. This is by far the most accurate map in Kenshi that I could currently find. The colors are a bit more lively, zone names are clear and nice to read. Probably the best map out there!

Why this mod is awesome:

- Outlines are accurate with the borders of the zones

- Clear and detailed map

- Perfect if you’re a bounty hunter!

Download here:


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