Top 10 Fortnite Best Creative Maps (2020 Edition)

Fortnite Best Creative Maps
11 Dec 2023



In the last article I covered creative aim training maps. The other two most important skills in Fortnite are box fighting and build fighting. This map is a great 2 in 1 combo. This creative map switches fromyour typical box fight to a close-range spawn build fight that goes up and down hills. 

This map is great because:

  • No RNG, so everyone is on a level playing field
  • Opportunity to practice two of the most important mechanics in the game
  • You won’t get bored doing the same thing

Code: 3515-0375-5877


ENIGMA'S DOWNHILL RIVER ZONE WARS - CH.2This is one of the first classic zone wars maps, Downhill River Zone Wars Ch 2 is an updated version with the latest RNG. Spawning in brick boxes, players have randomized loot and max arena amount of mats. This map features launch pads and a steep descendso you can practice waterfalling. This map is a lot of fun, and a great in-game application. 

This map is great because:

  • Spacing between spawns help for late zone survival
  • Randomized loot simulates in-game play
  • Downhill gameplay keeps players from overbuilding

Code: 6564-6863-3031


BOX FIGHT PVPThis is the classic go-to box fighting map. Players spawn with a purple pump and blue AR. The map can hold up to 16 players. Use this map to hone your editing and box fighting strategy skills.

This map is great because:

  • Strategy building for box fighting against many different players
  • Moving zone 
  • No SMG spamming and limited builds

Code: 8793-2189-2608

7. Finest’s mid game realistic 1v1’s

Finest’s mid game realistic 1v1’sIf you are looking for the perfect map for mid-game fighting this is the one. Just like in a normal game this map is RNG based. You spawn in a random spot and have different amounts of mats to insure that the fight is as realistic as possible.

This map is great because:

  • It trains you for mid-game fights
  • Each round is a different terrain 

Code: 7950-6306-4857

6. Vortex Zone Wars: Chapter 2 Finests 2 v 2

Vortex Zone Wars: Chapter 2 Finests 2 v 2Vortex is a fast-paced moving zone war. The zone moves up and down the mountain making it a particularly challenging zone war. It is RNG based,navigates around trees and even buildings.This creative map will help you increase your speed in moving zone fights.

This map is great because:

  • Fast paced moving zone
  • Changing height up and down
  • Real landscapes with trees and cabins


MINAS TIRITH 1V1 LORD OF THE RINGSThere are many different types of creative maps besides zone wars and box fighting. I’m a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan so I have to include this Minecraft-like creation. You can simply walk around and admire the architecture or you can 1 v 1 your friend in this colossus.

This map is great because:

  • Size and beauty 
  • Endless hiding spots
  • Nerd paradise

Code: 1048-3487-4391

4. Yacht Club Prop Hunt

Yacht Club Prop Hunt

Prop hunts have become immensely popular the last few seasons of Fortnite. Essentially, one team hides by disguising themselves as props and the other team tries to find them. The Yacht version is intruigingbecause there is limited space to hide, but many different props to choose from.

This map is great because:

  • Hide and Seek thrill
  • Limited space for a more intense game
  • Lots of ways to improvise and places to hide

Code: 8102-6553-6379

3. Shipment: Gun Game

Shipment: Gun GameGun game is a mode where you cannot build and get one gun. You’re in a 1 v 1 situation in a small environment using a bunch of metal crates as cover. When you get a kill, you gain health or shield and your gun changes.

This map is great because:

  • Small, but many angles for shooting between crates
  • Trains aim and positioning
  • Variety of guns so you can get comfortable with them all

Code: 4804-9489-3873

2. Default Deathrun

Default DeathrunDeathrun is a map made popular by the streamer Cizzorz. Deathrun is a maze of traps, heights, slippery ice, and anti-gravity pads. The map is very difficult, but all the more rewarding when you beat it.

This map is great because:

  • Mario-like feel with obstacles to overcome to get to the finish
  • Challenging hop and positioning style
  • Rewarding when you finally conquer this behemoth of a labyrinth

Code: 0666-9293-5226    

1. Call of Duty Zombies: Nacht der Untoten

Call of Duty Zombies: Nacht der UntotenWhat could be better than a Fortnite and Call of Duty Mashup. In this map, you can barely tell that you are in a Fortnite map. The format for this creative is one player has a golden pump and scar while the rest of the players have only pickaxes. 

This map is great because:

  • Fun, zombie vs. player Fortnite
  • Amazing Call of Duty map replicate
  • terrifying and exhilarating zombie rush experience

Code: 3685-4019-1094

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