[Top 10] Dota 2 Zeus Counters That Are Powerful (Best Heroes Against Zeus in Dota 2, Ranked)

11 Dec 2023

The mighty Thundergod is an unforgiving divine deity. Zeus is an extremely powerful hero, right off the early game. No matter where you are on the map, he smites you with all his might. Midlaners facing him are frankly helpless, not even god can save them! 

Is there any way to stop this beast? Yes, that’s why we have compiled this list of the Best 10 Zeus Counters which are devastating and can put an end to his domination.

10. Templar Assassin

The guardian of the temple’s secrets is a lethal force to be reckoned with! Templar Assassin deals some heavy damage while taking barely any in return if she has the Refraction shield on! Laning versus most DoT is quite the task for TA as she has a very short attack range, making it easy for them to spam spells and deny her the farm. Most experienced TA players occasionally disappear into the jungle to stack and farm as soon as they have the levels and farm. 

Why is TA a great hero against Zeus? 

  • Refraction blocks all of Zeus' damage and Zeus has no innate way of removing the instances quickly.
  • Meld helps burst down Zeus' small health pool while he's still working through the Refraction instances.
  • Psi Blades allow her to harass and zone Zeus in lane.

Items to Buy against Zeus

  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Desolator
  • Swift Blink
  • Daedalus
  • Monkey King Bar


9. Lifestealer

The threatening Lifestealer is a deadly force to be reckoned with. His strength ruptures even the mammoth heroes like Zeus. Lifestealer is a carry hero, and he is quite good at carrying the team on his back! Due to the lifesteal, he can fare well in the laning phase and deal decent damage to Zeus due to high armor and also can be magic immune. Lifestealer mainly relies on kills to get gold, making him a fight-oriented hero, as with the right items he can obliterate the enemy team and turn Zeus’ ashes into dust.

Why is Lifestealer a great counter to Zeus? 

  • Rage is very useful against Zeus, as it negates magic damage and provides spell immunity. In addition, the increased attack speed can tear Zeus apart in combination with Open Wounds.
  • Lifestealer can avoid Thundergod's Wrath with Infest.

Items to Buy against Zeus

  • Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Desolator
  • Skull Basher
  • Sange and Yasha
  • Assault Cuirass


8. Faceless Void

Not all can master Faceless Void the way he has mastered manipulating time. His ultimate can quickly turn the game around for good or for worse! The hero requires immense practice and patience. Void is heavily picked in the high-ranked games, Zeus can’t match his efficient and fast-paced farming skills. He works best if paired with heroes that supplement his Chronosphere ultimate ex. Kunkka, Invoker, Skywrath Mage. His mid-game potential is unmatched because all he needs to brawl is his ultimate and a few item against Zeus.

What makes Faceless Void a great counter to Zeus?

  • Time Dilation can limit Zeus to casting his abilities only once in a fight, effectively serving as a 6/8/10/12-second silence.
  • Time Walk negates Zeus's burst damage.
  • Chronosphere makes Zeus the best target for Void because of his low mobility.

Items to buy against Zeus

  • Silver Edge
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Butterfly
  • Eye of Skadi
  • Satanic


7. Meepo

Whenever there’s a Meepo in a pub game, chances are he is either a smurf or even better, someone, trying him out for the first time! Jokes aside, Meepo is extremely powerful against Zeus due to his lifesteal hero but there is a catch, he requires extreme amounts of practice and dedication. Everything from your map awareness to micro-skills needs to be on point, even your keybind setup. That’s the reason why this hero is great against Zeus, high risk equals high reward!

Why is Meepo good against Zeus?

  • Thundergod's Wrath strikes only the first Meepo.
  • Zeus has low mobility so consecutive Earthbinds are easy to hit and he'll quickly die from Poofs.

Items to buy against Zeus

  • Blink Dagger
  • Eye of Skadi
  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Dragon Lance
  • Heart of Tarrasque


6. Pudge

Pudge essentially counters Zeus due to his immense tank potential. After all, he is one of the tankiest heroes in the game right now! Zeus is usually unable to seriously damage Pudge at all. Even Static Field, which deals damage based on a percentage of the enemy's health, won't be doing much. Pudge can often be a great pick if you have the right heroes to synergize with. Ex. Bloodseeker, Batrider! 

Why is Pudge great against Zeus?

  • Meat Hook's high range allows Pudge's team to drag Zeus in the middle of the fight and abuse his frailty.
  • Flesh Heap's health and magic resistance bonus make Pudge exceptionally resistant to Zeus' nukes.
  • Even if Zeus buys a Black King Bar, Meat Hook and Dismember still disable him for a long time, usually causing Zeus' quick death.

Items to buy against Zeus

  • Aether Lens
  • Aghanim’s Shard
  • Blink Dagger
  • Blademail
  • Force Staff
  • Aghanim’s Shard


5. Silencer

Silence is one aspect that counters most spell-casting heroes in the game! And well, Silencer… you know it’s kind of self-explanatory. Having spells that silence or prevent Zeus from using any items makes him very powerful against him. The best part is that laning is not fun for Zeu against a Silencer, frequent right-click damage, and low CD spells shove him out of the lane. Global Silence disables all the power they have and renders them useless even with BKB. 

Why is Silencer great against Zeus?

  • Silencer's Global Silence will render Zeus useless for 6 seconds in a team fight.
  • Arcane Curse will punish Zeus for casting spells, which can cause continuous damage to him should he continue to cast spells.
  • Last Word can silence Zeus and prevent him from spamming his spells.

Items to buy against Zeus

  • Glimmer Cape
  • Rod of Atos
  • Ghost Scepter
  • Aeon Disk
  • Force Staff
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard


4. Juggernaut

The masked Samurai is a deadly hero that is better left untamed. It is impossible to contain him if he unleashes his true potential. Juggernaut is considered to be a beginner-friendly hero but only the advanced players understand the true potential and mechanics of this hero. Not only is he great at farming, but he can also control the tempo with his ultimate. He is also known as one of the most flexible heroes in the game in terms of item builds and can obliterate Zeus with just his Omnislash.

Why is Juggernaut great against Zeus? 

  • Blade Fury negates all magical damage from Zeus.
  • Omnislash can easily take down Zeus. However, be aware that most players will get a Eul's Scepter of Divinity or a Ghost Scepter against Juggernaut.

Items to buy against Zeus

  • Diffusal Blade
  • Sange and Yasha
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and shard
  • Butterfly
  • Eye of Skadi

3. Pugna

The skeletal figure comes alive after he drains their life and turns them into bones and dust. Pugna is infamous for sucking the soul out of you. A pure lane matchup can favor Pugna as he has more INT and mana pool compared to Zeus along with that you face constant harassment and get shoved out of the lane due to the bonkers damage he deals even as a support hero with his Nether Ward. He is known to farm effortlessly due to his AoE spell and hit his item timings relatively early. You can also save your low HP allies with Life Drain. 

Why is Pugna great against Zeus? 

  • Immense damage and mana drain dished out from Nether Ward
  • Decrepify can further increase the damage dealt by Nether Ward upon Zeus. However, if used on Pugna himself or on one of his allies, it will amplify the damage done by Zeus' abilities.

Items to Buy against Zeus

  • Aether Lens
  • Aeon Disk
  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Dagon
  • Blink Dagger

2. Chaos Knight

Chaos ensues when this veteran of the countless battle of a thousand worlds steps his foot into the battlefield. Chaos Knight is unbearably strong against most heroes due to the lack of AoE damage from them, allowing his phantasms to freely do the job and get some heavy-hitting done. Although he lacks in the farming department, CK is extremely tanky and is only threatened by multiple heroes at once. All he needs is a good early game and free farm to counter his counterparts in the late game! 

Why is Chaos Knight a great counter to Zeus? 

  • Chaos Knight's high health pool makes him resistant to Zeus' burst damage. Phantasm can dispel Veil of Discord, a typical item purchased by Zeus.
  • Zeus is easily overwhelmed by Chaos Knight's strong illusions, as Arc Lightning is not enough to kill them fast enough to have any impact.
  • Zeus' low base armor makes him extremely vulnerable to Chaos Knight's high damage output and armor reduction.

Items to Buy against Zeus

  • Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Black King Bar
  • Manta Style
  • Assault Cuirass
  • Overwhelming Blink



1. Anti-Mage

This charismatic warrior has a bone to pick against the mages. His hatred for the arcane arts is unmatchable. He is the Anti-Mage! He has what you need to counter most mage heroes, especially Zeus due to mana break. An early game AM can effortlessly decimate Zeus' mana and make him buy mangoes or Soul Ring to compensate. This will slow down his while AM is known to farm at a faster pace, allowing him to get ahead in the net worth charts.

Why is Anti-Mage a great hero against Zeus? 

  • Anti-Mage can burn mana, which is a big problem for a spellcaster like Zeus who heavily relies on it.
  • Counterspell decreases magical damage taken from Zeus.
  • Zeus' high intelligence and mana pool make him a perfect target for Mana Void.

Items to Buy against Zeus

  • Black King Bar
  • Manta Style 
  • Abyssal Blade
  • Butterfly 
  • Battlefury
  • Eye of Skadi


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